Chapter 53 - That Was Quick

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I feel like we had a great time, but it all fell apart nearer to the end I think. I got really worried at one point, Harry came out of the dressing rooms, and I could tell he had been crying, and so could Talia. His eyes were red and rimmed with tears, and his face just showed that he didn't want to talk about it, so we didn't ask. Of course, I really wanted to, but I also didn't want to upset him or anything. We were almost back, and after a long day of shopping I was really hungry. We had been out for around six hours, and normally we would've had a break to eat lunch or something, but I guess we just didn't want to make Harry uncomfortable. I opened up my phone, and found something to order to the house, then passed my phone to Talia, so she could do the same.

We finally arrived at the house, and after knocking, I looked over to Harry, and he looked pretty much dead inside. Was doing this a bad idea? Was it too much for him? The door opened, and I looked to the boy standing next to me, as Ethan welcomed us in. He had a wide smile spread across his face, as we walked in and saw everyone. I was right next to him, and I could easily tell that smile was fake, I had seen his real one plenty of times today. The boys however, didn't seem to notice, and to be honest, i don't really blame them. They probably haven't seen him laugh, or even smile in so long, and if so, they were definitely missing out. He's got the cutest smile.

After a few minutes downstairs with the boys, the three of us decided to head upstairs to Harry's room. As we walked in, he headed straight for the bed, basically catapulting himself onto it when he was close enough. Talia and I both placed our bags down, and as soon as we sat on the bed, we heard light snores escape from the now sleeping boy.
"That was quick" I giggled, and stood up, to pull the covers over his still body. "Should we leave him or just stay?" Talia questioned from the other
side of the bed, whilst picking up her phone. Not wanting to speak anymore, incase we woke him up, i just gestured to the door with my head, indicating we should leave him alone.

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