Chapter 34 - Nah, That Dont Run

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"Harry!" I shouted as I walked up the stairs. I had made some food for us all, and it was done. "Harry" I called again, getting closer to his room. I knocked on the door with a smile on my face. He didn't answer me, so I just assumed he was asleep. I slowly opened the door, to reveal a cold empty room. Concerned, I looked around quickly, and shouted the other guys. "Harry's gone!" I practically screamed, realising that his backpack, shoes and his clothes were all missing. Simon and Vikk ran behind me, stopping at the doorway to look me dead in the eyes. They both looked panicked and scared, but also confused.
"I don't get it" I spoke. "Saw it coming to be honest" Jj mumbled, now being behind the two others. We all looked to him in shock, before he shook his head. "Well lets go and fucking find him!" Simon shouted, startling me and vikk.

Me and the boys spent the next two hours driving round the streets of London, keeping an eager eye, hoping to stumble across the young man. In the panic we were in, it didn't occur to us, that it would be a good idea to call, or maybe even text him.
"The Cals!" Vikk shouted, hurting my ears. We all looked to him in confusion, before realising what he was getting at. Simon started up the car, anger flooding his veins, as he sped to where Harry could be. "Simon, slow down, we'll get there either way" Tobi, who we picked up to join the search party about an hour ago, comforted him. He nodded, slowing down the car slightly, but still going to fast for everyone's liking.

As simon parked the car, we all sat in silence. What do we do if he's not here? Ignoring my thoughts, we got out of the car, and stood for a moment.
"First off, before we do anything, Simon, jj, you need to calm down. Like, right now." Tobi slowly spoke. Simon looked him in the eyes, and jj just huffed. "Look, I get it. I'm scared, and mad aswell, but getting angry will not achieve anything." He spoke.
"Not true. If Harry's in there, if they've done anything to him, I swear, they're dead!" Jj spat out. "What. And you think that's gonna help Harry?" Tobi spat back, rather convincingly. Once the small confrontation, that I decided to have no part in, died down, we ran up the stairs, eager to get to Harry.

I knocked on the door slowly, just hoping Harry actually was here. There was no answer, so I did it again. Soon enough, the door opened, and there revealed none other than Callum. "Where's Harry?" Simon quietly shouted from behind me. Freezy just shook his head, before attempting to close the door. Instinct kicked in, as i wedged my foot in between it and the wall. "Where the fuck is he?!" I finally let out. I pushed open the door and let everyone in. In shock, Freezy stayed silent. "He's in his room," lux came up to us. "And he's staying in there." he said slowly. "We don't trust you with him" Tobi piped up. Lux giggled, "What. And you trust it with this?" He pointed to me, with my fists clenched tightly, trying to suppress my anger. "I'm sorry, but did you just call Harry 'it'... nah, that don't run." Tobi, once again spoke. "What. That's all he is. He isn't much these days, is he! He hardly fucking exists!" Simon pushed past me, clearly pissed by what he had just said. He walked up in front, and stood over him, being a lot taller. "Don't fucking talk about him like that!" He shouted. "Oh Alright lanky boy, what you gonna do?"

The next thing I saw was something i didn't expect, Simon clenched his hand into a ball, and punched him right in the middle of his face. As lux stumbled back in pain, Freezy got involved. After that, I don't know what happened, a full fight broke out. There was screaming shouting and blood everywhere.

I was on top of Freezy, as I threw a punch to his face, I looked up and saw a scared Harry at the top of the stairs. Tobi, being the only one not involved in the fight, except for vikk, followed my gaze, to meet Harry. I quickly nodded to him, and he ran up the stairs, as I planted another fist into Cals face. Whilst catching my breath, I felt a sting in the right side of my face, and the next thing I know, Freezy was the one on top of me. I flinched as he moved. Though he didn't hit me, instead he laughed. What kind of a psychopath laughs in the middle of a full blown fight? "Your just as pathetic as Harry" he giggled, before punching me straight in the face. I felt dizzy, and everything thing was a blur, until I saw Ethan walk through the door, and pull him off of me.

I sat up against the wall, as Ethan dealt with the Cals. When did he even get here? After a few minutes of holding my eye, vikk ran up to me and pulled my hand away from my face, and instantly winced. "Is Harry okay?" I asked, an agonising pain rushing through my jaw as I did. "Harry's fine," he assured me, "but your not." He stated, as he helped me off of the ground.

1. My writing is getting worse holy fuck
2. This was kinda intense
3. I have no idea how to write the next part
4. :(((((

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