Chapter 66 - I Don't Want To Stop

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Everyone had gone out, and I convinced them to let me stay here, alone. It's been a while since that's happened, they've been dragging me along everywhere with them, too scared to let me out of their sight. It felt good to be alone for once, though I still have that lingering feeling, and it won't go away. I haven't cut for four days, I was trying to prove a point. I overheard them talking, saying I "need professional help" and that I "cant keep going like this." It's such bullshit, but honestly, they're wrong. I don't need to do anything like that, I could easily stop. Not that I want to stop, not right now. I don't want to stop.

It'd been about an hour, and all I'd done was sit on my bed, with my head in my hands. With nothing else to do, I decided to write, thinking it should help to pass the time.

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