Chapter 41 - Skinny Black Jeans

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As Freya and Talia sat at the end of my bed, I thought about what I was supposed to say. She said I can talk about anything, but I don't want to talk about anything, I want to talk about certain things, but I'm too scared. So instead, I thought of something else. "I-I'm... uh.." I was lost for words, this situation was kind of overwhelming. "Clothes." I looked up to Talia and gave her a confused look. "Why don't we talk about clothes?" She smiled. Any man my age couldn't have less of an interest, right? But I didn't mind. "I uh, don't really wear many
nice clothes anymore" I stated, and it was true. "I used to really take pride in what I wore, I'd wear colourful jumpers and T-shirts, and my shoes would always match." I smiled fondly, remembering my favourite purifiers and how much work I used to put into them. "Why don't you now?" Freya asked. The smile on my face collapsed. "Just things. I always used to get called gay, and I thought it was my clothes, so I stopped wearing them. It didn't really change anything, but I've been to scared. The outfits were me, they showed who I was. I didn't want people to see that." I played with my hands, thinking back to the horrible comments I used to get, about stupid things like that. "What were your favourite outfits?" Talia asked, obviously wanting to change the subject. Again, I smiled. My favourite outfit, I loved it so much and it made me feel so good. "Probably uhh, yeah. A red jumper, black skinny jeans and red shoes to match. I didn't wear it much, but whenever I did it made me feel so good, like I was on top of the world." Sounds cringey, but it was so true. Who knew an outfit could bring so much joy to someone?

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