Chapter two - Probably Nothing

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I walked into the room to start filming with the boys, and as everyone sat I couldn't help but think about how upset Harry looked when I saw him in the kitchen. It was probably nothing, so I just presumed that he was having a bad day. But I decided that I would try and speak to him after we made the video, just to see if there was anything that he wanted to talk about, just in case.

The time we spent making the video flew by, and I actually had alot of fun throughout it, though I kept on finding myself looking at Harry. He didn't seem to be in the best of moods and wasn't being his funny and energetic self so that was lingering in my mind. I always try to make everyone around me feel better if there a bit upset or down in the dumps, especially my freinds, I hate seeing them sad. After we had wrapped up filming we all headed back into the kitchen and chatted for a bit. "Tobi, can I speak to you out there for a sec?" I looked at josh as he whispered into my ear and pointed to the doors. "Sure?" I answered and followed him into a different part of the house, where no one else would be able to hear us speaking. I looked at josh, once we had got out of the others ear shot and he looked at me concerned. I gave him a confused look back. "What's up then Josh?" I asked him. He sighed heavily and shook his head before looking back at me. "You kept on looking at Harry whilst we were filming, so that just makes me think I'm not the only one that-" he sighed again. "That what?" I was pretty sure I knew what Josh was getting at but I wanted to be sure before I siad anything. "He seems upset. Like, really upset, he's hardly speaking and just isn't acting notltmally and he's been like that for a while. Do you see it too? Is that why you were looking at him so much? I think Simon sees it too, I think a lot of us can tell there's something wrong." I was taken aback by what Josh had said, because I thought I was the only one who had realised. "Yeah, I only really noticed this morning, but I do think that something is up with him, I was gonna speak to him later"

After speaking, we walked back into the kitchen and joined in with the conversation everyone was speaking about, but I kept glancing back at Harry, he still hadn't spoken since I came back with josh and to be honest I am very worried about him.

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