Chapter 17 - It Wasnt Right, Or Working

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Both the Cals were sat either side of Harry, rather close. "Your not leaving this table until you've finished what is on that plate," Lux sighed. The younger stayed still, facing towards the doorway. "We're doing this for you Bog." Harry lightly shook his head. "We can't let you do this to yourself," Freezy chimmed in, taking it a bit lighter than the other man. "We're just worried about you." They were getting closer to him every time they spoke, Lux's hands placed on his shoulders, Freezy leaning on him just slightly. "Please" Harry spoke up, clearly trying to hold back his spilling tears. "Eat it" Freezy said calmly. "I c-can't eat that" He shakily said. "Why?" Lux continued "What is wrong with you?!" He shouted through gritted teeth. Harry was sat there still slightly shaking "Well? What the fuck is wrong with you?!" They shouted. He gave in "Everything! Everything is wrong with me!" He said, gripping onto his thighs. We all stood, not knowing what to do. We didn't want to stop the Cals, mainly because they were clearly angry and we didn't want them to do anything stupid, but also because even though it was wrong, we wanted to see what would happen. "Just eat it please!" Freezy begged. Fidgeting in his chair, Harry repeatedly ran his hands through his hair, and wiped sweat off of his face, whilst his breathing was becoming even more erratic. "We're trying to help you here! Just eat the food!" Lux spoke again, aggressively."I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING EAT IT" Harry screamed into his hands, then forcefully pushed the plate away from him and off the table. I stared in shock at the unbroken plate on the floor. Cal walked over and picked it up, carrying it back over. He took a fork full and held it infront of his face. "Please cal" Harry whispered in between sobs, shaking his head as the fork came closer towards him. "Do I have to feed you like a fucking baby?" He teased. "Stop it! Please just stop it. STOP IT!" Harry continued to shake his head. "Please Bog. Come on Harry please" he persisted, whilst he kept moving his head away from the food. Muttering over and over. I can't do it I can't do it cal I can't do this please I can't do it. Finally, after enough disgusting and anger filled persuasion, he gave in and ate the fork full of pasta, crying out in sobs as he did so. I'd had enough now. I couldn't watch them do this with the hole plate full it just wasn't right, or working.

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