Chapter 40 - Anything

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We slowly walked up the mountain of stairs, stopping, once we were in front of his door. A wave of nerves washed over me, as I turned the handle, not knowing what I was about to see. Talia nodded to me, as I pushed the door open. Pure darkness filled the room, so I searched for the light. With the bowl of pasta in one hand, and my other on the light switch, I stood in slight shock. Harry was sat on his bed under the covers staring at me, completely emotionless. Once he looked to what I was holding, he sighed and turned round, laying back on the bed. Sadness filled me as I looked at him, he seemed so different. He looked completely drained of energy and life itself. "Harry," I spoke his name slowly, he didn't reply. "Harry" I said again, a bit more sternly. "Fuck off" he angrily shouted, yet he still managed to stay quiet. In that moment I made a decision. I walked over to him and placed the bowl on the bedside table, and just stood there. "I'm not going until you at least try it Harry," he looked up to me, he looked pissed off but also confused.
"I'm not hungry" He stood his ground "Come on"
I persuaded, and some how it actually worked.

He sat up and lifted the bowl to his lap. Picking up the fork, he gave me the eyes that just said
don't fucking stare at me. So I did just as he wanted. I turned round to Talia and she just game me a questioning look. I looked back to the young boy and he had a look of disappointment spread across his face. He looked down to his hands as his fingers moved restlessly, anxiously. "I've tried it. Can you go away now?" He sounded angry but it couldn't be seen in his face, his face was well, blank. I couldn't quite understand why, but it was kind of scary. Either way, I knew he hadn't eaten enough, though I didn't know how to make him eat more, without pressuring him to much. I knew that wouldn't be a good idea, after the stories I had heard from josh.

"How about this," Talia spoke. I looked to her, shocked. "You either eat that bowl of pasta, or you talk to both of us." His face slightly paled, he clearly hated both options as much as each other. "About anything," I gave her a small smile, as I knew what she was doing. He hadn't been speaking much at all the past few days, Simon told us that. Harry's head shot up, his eyes showed confusion and fear, yet they seemed curious and hopeful. "Anything?" He questioned, whilst me and Talia simply nodded, sending loving smiles his way. "Anything." Talia sweetly reassured him, and to both our surprise, he smiled back to us both. It may not have been filled with much emotion, but it still meant something to me, it was as it he was actually trying.

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