Chapter 72 - Tone Of Voice

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I sunk into the feeling of warm hands running through my hair. Though quickly, I pulled away, realising that it was Simon. I don't mind it when people do that, but not Simon. That was Ethan's thing. I like it when Ethan does that, not when he does. Don't get me wrong, Simon's great, amazing actually, but no. He's not Ethan. I didn't want to be rude, honestly. I've put him though so much already, he just needs to stay away from me, I don't want to cause him anymore pain.

I walked out of the room, and straight down to the kitchen. Anxiously, I stepped into the room, not knowing who was in there. To my luck, it was only Tobi and Ethan. Some sort of instinct sunk into me quickly, as I moved over to Ethan immediately. He welcomed me into a hug, despite seeming confused. We stayed in that position for a while, before I finally stepped away. I stood infront of the two, taking in their features. Though it may have seemed weird to them, I didn't mind it. "How are you?" The bigger man spoke cautiously, as he looked at my face. Apparently, I didn't need to answer, as somehow, he could already tell. "You didn't sleep, did you." He stated, coming across slightly disappointed, and honestly, that upset me quite a bit. Anything upsets me though, it could be something as simple as someone's tone of voice, or something more serious.

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