Chapter 30 - Hannah Baker

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Yeah okay, I may be no master in acting, but I've taken enough classes on it to know the basis of it all, and Harry wasn't following any of the rules or advice I was given. So how the hell was josh falling for all this? Even fucking Hannah Baker could fake a better smile than him. Okay, shit. That may not have been the best example to use, but you get my point. We could all see through those laughs, smiles and jokes, and in all honesty it pained me more witnessing this than seeing him the way I have been recently, basically dead inside. I really fucking hated it.

We had all finished the food josh made, and not gonna lie it was actually banging. He used to make them all the time in the old sidemen house, and he hasn't done it since we moved here. It was a nice refresher I guess. After thanking the master chef himself I went back up to my room, I couldn't bare to be in there any longer. I sat down at my desk and loaded up my reddit page on my computer, getting ready to film a second channel video. I actually really enjoyed filming these, they were a lot of fun and also alot easier than making a full blown video, obviously.

A few hours later, and after finishing up the video, I turned the camera off and sat back in my chair. I sat quietly and relaxed. I started to drift off, but then heard a noise. I abruptly sat up and listened carefully. Small cries came from a room. Already knowing it was harry, I stood up and made my way over to his room and stood at the door. It pained me to see what I did next. As I opened the door I saw the boy sat at the end of his bed crying whilst holding his phone. He was in pieces. His hands were shaking, his eyes were red and his cheeks were puffy. He looked up to me and in that moment I saw the real Harry.

A broken boy. There was so much emotion in just his eyes. Sorrow, sadness, anger, pain, despair, guilt, confusion, exhaustion, and yet they were empty. It was unexplainable. I closed the door and walked up to him, took the phone out of his hand and embraced him in a hug. I held his head with my hand, and stroked his back in circles with the other one. I lightly shushed him as he cried, and fought against me. Finally he gave in, sighed and hiccuped on his tears. I held him tighter and soothed him untill he had finally stopped crying, which took a while.
"I'm sorry" he whispered. Before I could respond to what he had said, his eyes fell closed and his body relaxed against mine. I picked him up and put him in his bed, tucking him in under the covers. With that I walked out of the room. I was just about to close the door behind me, but I had a thought. What made Harry cry so badly? Curiosity took over me, as I walked back over to where I placed his phone. I picked it up and left, going back to my room.

As I sat on my bed, I unlocked Harry's phone and the screen glared in my face. He was looking through his twitter mentions... the bad ones. I scrolled back up to the top, to read what he had already, and I was so shocked. There was some pretty horrible things.

@wroetoshaw is such an ugly inbred twat


@wroetoshaw loose weight Harry! That's gonna be difficult you fat cunt might aswell he called Ethan..

@wroetoshaw should make a suicide video I hate him so much cunt

@wroetoshaw you gay bastard

@wroetoshaw i am unsubcribing you are gay

They all just got worse and worse, I couldn't believe what I was reading.

@wroetoshaw you bring nothing to the sidemen, u are just a ugly cunt your not funy and you are just disgusting

Then there was one.. one.

@wroetoshaw is the most fat gay cunt ie ever seen. i hate him with a passion, how can anyone like him? he a deranged cunt who isn't funny and just uses his freieends for the money. his girlfriend isn't real she's a cover up an deji even said it. we all know that you are gay for boys admit it you selfish prick i hope w2S kills himself he is no good hahaaha

The worst thing about it all was, that Harry had liked them all. All of those horrible tweets. Did he believe them? Was he agreeing with everything they said?

Again, all of these are real. Either actual tweets or comments on posts or videos, and It's disgusting. Just saying this cos I don't want anyone thinking I think these things about him. Also sorry this book is like ropes rn lmao, idk what I'm even doing.

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