Chapter nine - They'll Think Your Crazy

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I looked down to my watch and saw it was now 7:31pm. Vikk and jj had gone back into their rooms and so it was just me and Simon in the kitchen. Harry had been asleep for around seven hours now, so we decided it was a good time to wake him up. I stood up out of my chair, and Simon did the same. We left the kitchen and just as we got to the bottom of the stairs, we saw Harry emerge from my room, and run straight into the bathroom next to it. Me and Simon gave each other a confused look as we walked up the stairs, as we got to the top I knocked on the door. "Harry? You alright?" I spoke, yet I got no answer. "I put my ear to the door and I heard what sounded like crying, though it was faint. "Harry?" I spoke again. I heard a sniffle and then finally his voice. "Yeah, I-I'm just on the toilet. Won't be long, don't worry." His voice echoed through the door. We walked into my room and sat on my bed in complete silence. Something seemed off just then. "It sounded like he was crying" Simon whispered to me, speaking my thoughts. I looked to him and just nodded and gave him an 'I know' type of look.

I shot up from the bed, tears dripping down my face and sweat leaking from my body. I was breathing fast and heavy as I ran into the toilet. In attempt to calm down I splashed water on my face and steadied my breathing, which somewhat helped, though I was still crying. "Harry? You alright?" I heard from the other side of the door. My mind was going crazy as I made up a quick lie, I stayed quiet as I heard their footsteps, an indication that they were walking away. I splashed more water on my face and calmed down completely after a minute or two. I looked back into the mirror, which only made another tear roll out form under my eye. I wiped it away and walked out of the bathroom and into Josh's room.

"Uh, sorry I uh fell asleep in your bed. I didn't mean to do that, sorry." I said awkwardly staring at the floor whilst scratching my neck. I looked up to Josh as he hadn't said anything back to me, but he just had a sad expression plastered on his face. I guess he really didn't like the fact that I slept in his bed. "It was an accident Josh, I didn't mean to, sorry" I said, I'd somehow upset myself just because josh was upset. "Harry, it's okay, stop apologising" Josh lightly chuckled whilst looking at me, then Simon.
He's mad at you now Harry
Look Simon even seems pissed of about it too
I shook the voice out of my head, receiving weird looks from both the boys. I'm an idiot.
"Harry can we talk to you about something please?" Simon asked, he seemed concerned about something. "Yeah what?" I asked, not fully paying attention to he was saying, getting completely lost inside my head as usual. "Harry?" I looked up to Josh as he said my name. "Yeah?" I asked, now paying attention. "Did you listen to anything Simon just said?" I shook my head before he sighed, he seemed slightly annoyed. "Come here," he said, gesturing a place next to him on his bed. I followed his instructions as he continued speaking. "Have you been okay recently?" I instantly froze. Josh seemed to notice, as he put his hand on my shoulder.
"Is there anything you want to talk to us about?" I still didn't move. How did I get myself into the situation? Normally, I would've bolted as soon as he asked to talk about something serious. I guess I was still waking up from my sleep. "N-no, I'm fine." I faked a smile, which turned out super crappy, as the guilt of lying to my friends, yet again, sunk in. "Harry," Josh said, he now sounded very serious. "Please, just speak to us, it doesn't have to be me, or Simon for that matter. It could be Tobi, Vikk, jj, the other boys, or even the cals. Just please. We know somethings up with you, and we're here for you." The way spoke made it sound so genuine, and just as I was about to speak I was interrupted.
If you tell them they'll hate you.

If you tell them you cut they will just think that your disgusting.

If you talk about your anxiety they'll think that your crazy.

If you speak about your depression they'll say your attention seeking.

If you tell them that you don't eat they won't believe you, your so fat, they will say that you are faking it all.

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