Chapter 19 - Not True

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"I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I was in this bedroom, I fell asleep in the bathroom and woke up here. You shouldn't have had slept on the couch downstairs you could've just woken me up. I'm so so sorry vikk" Harry spoke quickly. Taking his headphones off, Vikk span around in his desk chair, facing the younger boy who was sat up in his own double bed.
"Stop apologising, you were asleep, it wasn't your call or your fault. It's okay" vikk said sweetly, a glimpse of hope in his eyes, beging the gods to let Harry forgive himself. "Not true." Harry muttered under his breath, as he watched vikk sigh.

I got up off of vikks bed and quietly walked out of his room. I'm such an idoit, I caused so much hassle last night for no reason. Vikk must hate me now, he didn't even get to sleep in his own bed. I can tell he's mad at me, he told me it wasn't my fault but that's not true, he's just lying. Of course it was my fault. If I wasn't such a baby last night I wouldn't have fallen asleep crying in the bathroom with josh and tobi. I don't understand why he won't just tell me he's pissed about it. I'm just a waste of space anyway, just a dramatic little boy who can't function like a normal 21 year old should. Why do I have to be me? I made my way back to the spare bedroom and lied down.

"Harry!" I heard from the other side of the bedroom door. I don't want to talk to anyone, I'm really not in the mood. After what happened last night with the cals, I'm really upset. More embarrassed than anthing though. I quickly got under the cover of my bed and shut my eyes. If I'm asleep they're not gonna wake me up are they? They should just leave me. "Harry?" I heard again as I pushed my face into the soft pillow. The door opened as footsteps came closer to the bed, then became distant again. The lights turned off and the door shut. Phew. I reopened my eyes and adjusted myself to the darkness now surrounding me. I sat up and grabbed my phone, conveniently placed on the bed side table. 11:14am.

Realising that sleep would not take over my body anytime soon, I opened twitter and then scrolled through my time line. I liked a few tweets about fortnite and also just a few random ones, before I went and dived right into a nasty habit of mine. Hitting the search bar, i typed in 'wroetoshaw'. How much I would regret doing that later.

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