Chapter 78 - What If

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We had been back at the house for around three hours now, and something just didn't feel right. I'm not sure what it really was, there was just some sort of tension lingering in the air. Maybe it was just stress? I mean, what happened earlier was kind of scary, so I guess we were all just on edge, or it could've been something else. I really have no clue. Things were calm, Harry was asleep, and me and Vikk were in the room with him. He 'was not to be left alone at any time whatsoever' according to Josh. Simon was here with us both before Harry fell asleep, but had to leave as he needed to record with a few other youtubers. Ethan claimed to be going out for a walk to 'clear his head', but I saw him sneak round the back of the house, so he was most probably smoking. I thought he quit all that shit, but evidently not.

Recently so much has happened, and there's been so much drama, that it's weird when everyone is quiet, and nothing is happening. Things have just become a lot more boring I guess. I'm not saying I like what has been happening, because that's not true at all, it's just that chaos has become the new normal.

Harry'd been asleep for a long time now, and yes I was worried, I had every right to be. Six hours had passed, though it felt like an eternity. Tobi had left as he needed to get some more stuff from his house, as he was practically living here now, along with behz, and Harry obviously. Josh was now sat in the room with me, and I guess he could sense my worries. "Vikk, what's up?" He asked calmly, looking away from his phone. "He hasn't woken up yet Josh, it's been almost seven hours." I spewed out, putting my head in my hands. "He was given some pretty strong medication, Vikk. Just think about it," He stated, sitting up in his chair and putting his phone down. "When's the last time he slept well? Honestly, he must be so exhausted. He'll wake up soon, and it'll be fine, okay?" I nodded in agreement, as I processed his many words. He was right, so why was I still worrying so much?

We had gone downstairs for a while, after Josh had finally convinced me to leave Harry alone. I just didn't want to leave him. He is like my best friend, and I feel like I haven't done much to help recently. It's been playing on my mind a lot, and I feel awful because of it. I know I shouldn't, but I can't change that.

After a few hours, I had finally convinced Vikk to come downstairs with me, he needed a break. "Josh it's been ten hours! A whole ten hours! surely he should be awake by now? What if... what if they gave him the wrong medication, or the wrong dosage?  What if they made a mistake? What if.. what if what they gave him was too strong? What if..." I watched as he paced back and forth, desperately trying to come up with another reason. I cut him off. "What if he's just tired?" I said in a reassuring voice, before taking him by the shoulders and sitting him down at the kitchen island. "Vikk mate, you need to calm down okay?" I spoke, as he put a hand on his chest. "I'm just worried about him." He let out, looking to my eyes. "News flash, we all are," I confessed, as I looked back to him. "So we've got to be strong okay? We have to be there for him, just like you are," I said positively "and unlike Ethan." I muttered rudely, only receiving an eye roll in return.

"You hungry?" I questioned, trying to change the subject, seeing that the younger man was now annoyed at me. "Yes." he sighed in defeat, not being able to hold a grudge for very long at all. I let out a small laugh, his attitude being amusing to me.

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