Chapter 55 - I'm Sorry

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"Thanks, I needed to get out of there." He spoke as we walked up the stairs. "Yeah, I could tell," I giggled, receiving only a light smile, which seemed to be so unbelievably fake. "What was up?" I questioned, just desperate to know the answer. "It was just, I- erm," I gave him a look, letting him know he didn't have to answer me, though he still chose to continue. "No It's okay, it's just that..." I saw something in him and he just seemed to think
'fuck it' not even a full second had passed and his eyes were already watering. "It's just, It was so hard Simon. I felt so alone in that room, I was surrounded by all of you, yet I just felt lonely. Like, i don't know, we were all in the room together but it was dark, like, pitch black. There were no lights, only one and it was a spotlight, shining directly on me," He trailed off, murmuring words I couldn't understand beneath his light sobs. "It doesn't even make any sense!" He loudly exclaimed, holding his hands up to his face. We stood on the balcony in almost complete silence, the only noise being the wind brushing through the trees, and the occasional sniff coming from Harry. That conversation blew up so quickly, it was like
a what the actual fuck moment.

"Okay, so I'm not the best at advice or anything, but I do want to say one thing," I spoke out, disturbing the peaceful silence above us. "I'm sorry. I know I've acted like a dick towards you recently, and I haven't meant to. I guess it's just that I don't know what to do. I'm not good with emotions, i'm a pretty straight forward guy, and I always have been, you know that. I will try for you, honestly, because I don't like to see you like this. You're one of my best friends bog, and you probably always will be. You mean so much to me, and I want to see you happy." A tear slipped out my eye, and I wiped it away quickly, not wanting the younger boy to notice, but of course, he did. I didn't really like expressing my emotions much, but it felt good this time. "You hold it all up inside
sometimes you know?" He said, embracing me in a sweet hug, as he wrapped his arms around me. "What, and you don't?" I responded, and I know it probably wasn't the best thing I could've said, though I don't think he took it to heart. We sat down as the wind grew stronger, in our thoughts.

"I don't like myself." He spoke his mind.
"I really fucking hate myself you know?" I wanted to comfort him straight away, though I also wanted to let him carry on, and hear what else he had to say. "It's like, no one would really care if i jumped off this balcony right now, you know? Yeah okay, you'd care for like what, a week? Then you'd move on, forget all about me, " He stood, walking closer towards the stone that separated him from the other side, just air, and then the ground, way below it. "If I jumped off of this balcony my body would be picked up off of the floor, and taken into the ambulance, the stone underneath me would be washed, and then that would be it, I'd be gone. It could all happen so easily Simon! It could all be over like that!" He exclaimed, tears rushing down his face, he sounded crazy, yet i understood what he was trying to say. "Harry, I think we should go inside." I spoke slowly and calmly as i walked towards him. I put my hand on his shoulder and as he did, finally, he lashed out. He spoke quickly, and he shouted loud. He shoved me around as he spoke incoherently, and I let him. Punches were thrown my way, and finally I heard the sound of the door being flung open, and foot steps rushing towards us. Though Harry didn't seem to hear them, as he carried on screaming, shouting and crying, punching and kicking. Basically anything he could possibly do, trying to let everything inside him out.

We were all sat at the table whilst playing cards were being dished out among us, as I saw Harry and Simon walk up the stairs. I thought nothing of it, because I pretty much already knew Harry would be uncomfortable in this sort of setting, and, Simon had been due to apologise to the younger sometime soon.

I picked up my cards, ready to play a round of poker, already knowing I was almost definitely going to loose. I mean, we were playing with Jj, and he's really good. After an hour of what mainly consisted of Jj screaming, Ethan complaining, and me just being all round annoyed, we decided to take a break. Of course, Jj won, but Freya and Talia were surprisingly decent, though they did still come last. As Jj counted his earnings, a few of us decided to go to the toilet, or just 'freshen up' as the girls liked to say. "We all know your going for either a piss or a shit, don't try and cover it up!" Ethan joked, as they both ran up the stairs, giving him the middle finger. As we both stood, he pulled out a cigarette, and I shook my head. "I thought you quit." I tutted, disapproval clear in my tone. "I have one from time to time, calm down." He reassured, rolling his eyes. He trod up the stairs with me closely behind him. I could hear the annoyance just in his footsteps alone, as he already knew, that as soon as he got to the balcony he was going to receive another massive lecture from me, about why smoking was bad, and why you shouldn't do it, he was right.

"What the fuck?" He stopped dead in his tracks as he turned the corner, and I automatically sped up.
He stood still as he looked through the glass door, stunned, trying to justify what he was seeing. I, on the other hand just ran straight to the door, and stared to what was occurring on the balcony. Pain rushed through Simon's eyes as he looked at me, though he was also obviously relieved as I saw him sigh before I turned back towards Ethan, gesturing for him to help me, as I dashed over to the scene, trying to pull Harry off of Simon, as he flung his limbs around carelessly. "Bog! Come on!" Ethan begged, as we tried to rip him off of Simon, who was now bruised around the face. "Harry!" He shouted, finally pulling him away, and he tumbled back a bit. The youngest was in a heap on the ground, crying loudly, as he struggled to find air to breathe. I looked over to Simon, and he looked dreadful, his nose and lip were bleeding, and he was bruised over on
one side of his face. "Are you okay?" I asked nervously as I walked to him, and placed him hand gently on his shoulder. Though he ignored my words, as he rushed past me, back to Harry, who was now sat in Ethan's arms. "Haz, okay, okay it's okay" he spoke softly as he gained his attention.
"Calm down yeah? It's okay," he brushed his hand up and down the crying mans arm, somewhat calming his sobs, but once Harry had realised the damage he had caused, he broke, once again.

I'm actually so shit aha. This was a lot better in my head, but i'm not that good at writing, so you'll just have to deal with this lmao :))

Also I'm trying to get ahead on chapters, so posts will be a little less frequent :((

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