Chapter 18 - Before It's To Late

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It had been three minutes since me and all the boys had dragged both the cals to the front door, and made them leave. We were all to focused on getting them out that we hadn't realised Harry had ran off up the stairs. We all sprinted up towards the bathroom, banging in the door rapidly.
"Harry open the door!" I shouted. No answer. All that was heard was the horrific sound, a mixture of tears, and him being sick. We all pleaded and begged until finally the door unlocked, and we saw him sitting on the floor, back against the wall, knees up, crying into his hands. A horrible sight to see. The boys stood there in shock as I walked over and kneeled in front of him. I didn't really know what I was supposed to say to him in a situation like this, it was difficult. I just grabbed his hands and held them, softly stroking his palms, to calm him down. Tobi was now by his side, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. He chocked on his tears again, before collapsing into Tobi's chest. His sobs became deeper, as he cried into him. The others were still standing at the door, obviously not knowing what to do. I looked over to them all, giving them a 'we'll speak later' type of face and with that they then disbursed. All except Simon, who took another moment to look at the crying boy on the floor, before leaving.

I got a bit more comfortable on the floor, knowing that we'd probably be here for a while. I shuffled closer to the boy, before gently placing my hand on his knee, rubbing it in small circles, which seemed to calm him a little. Someone walked back to the door, with a small blanket in their hands. They placed it over the sobbing boy, before leaving again. It was jj. Even though he had stayed quiet for most of this so far, it was nice to know that he really did care for him even though he might not show it all the time. Twenty minutes had now passed and Harry was no longer crying but asleep, lying across tobi, who was stroking his hair. It was honestly quite a cute sight, excluding the redness of his eyes, and the sick on his shirt. I wondered if he cried like this every time, but came to the conclusion that the only reason he just had that meltdown, was because we were there. I really can't imagine how hard life must be like for him. He does some terrible stuff to himself. I shot jj a quick text, asking him to help us carry the young boy to a bed, not wanting to disturb his sleep. As we left the bathroom, he started to turn in the older boys arms, so I knocked on vikks door, and asked if we could put him in his bed, not wanting him to wake him up whilst he was carrying him.

After placing him in the bed, we turned the light off and left the room, then made our way down to the kitchen, as we called another 'meeting'. We spoke about Harry, and how we were going to have a serious chat with him, and this time, we were actually going to. Nothing would get in the way this time. He's not eating at all. He's not sleeping properly, and he's been hurting himself. "We have to get him help." vikk abruptly spoke "before... before it's to late" Simon quietly added onto his statement. That scared me. To think that Harry could die. From what he was doing to himself. I'm glad we found out, at least this way we know about it. We can help him now, and thats what where gonna do.

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