Chapter 89- Happy Tears

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Who told Ethan that I wanted these shoes? How would anyone even know? The only people that could know would be, Freya? Talia? Maybe they saw me looking at them when we went shopping? How would they remember something like that though? I saw them and really wanted to buy them but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I think I was just afraid, I mean, wearing them is a pretty bold statement to make. Honestly, they don't really scream 'Big strong straight masculine male man' do they? Do I want to be seen like that though?

After finally detaching myself from Ethan, I ran back over to the bed and put the matt black boots on my feet. They looked really cool. I walked over to the mirror, and in all honesty, I couldn't believe what I saw staring back at me. I actually looked nice. I continued to eye myself up and down, taking in every single one of my features. As I took a few steps closer, tears sprung to my eyes. "Harry I'm sorry, I just thought It'd cheer you up a bit, I thought you'd like it," he started to ramble apologetically. "No. No no no. Happy tears," I looked to him as I spoke. "Fucking happy tears." gushed, turning back round to face my reflection. "I-I-I look, I look-" I stuttered out, trying to process my words. "You look amazing." We turned to the door to see a startled Josh leaning against the white door frame. I felt Ethan tense beside me, so I quickly looked at him, then back to Josh in confusion. "I didn't mean to interrupt, I came looking for Ethan. Can we talk?" He tilted his head as he addressed us. "Don't bother; me and bog are going out for a bit, I'm sure it can wait." He spat rudely, though the man at the door did not retaliate. "It can't wait." He simply stated, ushering the shorter man to follow along as he walked out of the room, across the corridor, and into his.

I didn't really want to be on my own, I was in a good mood, so I decided to cross the corridor and find Simon. We haven't really spoken much recently so I thought I may as well put all this positive energy into something useful.

My original intentions were to check on Harry, maybe ask If he wanted to come out to the garden with me and Tobi and have a go at the crossbar for a bit, but obviously, he had other plans. I went up to his room, and saw him standing there in a nice outfit, along side the man I resented. There I was ready to have another go at Ethan, but I couldn't. I watched for a minute or two as they conversed, and I saw how happy he had made Harry, how could I stay mad at him after seeing that? Only in that moment, had I realised how horrible I've been to him recently, and over something so petty. I felt like I needed give him an explanation, I mean, he's been asking for one for quite a while now.

"I need to apologise to you." I croaked as we walked into my room, closing the door behind me. "You're finally gonna tell me why you've been such a dickhead towards me the past week? Oh please do Josh. It's not like I've been asking all this time." He snarled, taking a seat on my bed and crossing his arms. I deserve that. "I'm just gonna come out an say it. Just straight up. No backstory, no-" I was interrupted by the man sat in front of me. "For fuck sake just say it, will you?" He cursed, already becoming sick of my procrastination.

"Okay okay. I think, well, I know... Oh for gods sake, I was jealous okay? That day at the hospital, Harry trusted you not me. He relied on you, and not me. I don't know how you do it, but you just make him happy? It feels like I can't do that anymore, and it frustrates me. Like, I've been there for him so much through all this, all of it, and now suddenly he doesn't talk to me anymore, he talks to you. I was upset, because I  I knew that the one thing I had to do was make sure he was okay, but then you started doing that, and you were doing a much better job of it than me, and you still are by the looks of it. Don't get me wrong, I know I am so incredibly stupid for even thinking like this, but can you blame me? Being the "dad of the group" I have to be there for everyone but it felt like I couldn't do that because I didn't know how I could... and you did. Really Ethan, I am so sorry about all of this. I wish I had just spoken to you about it sooner."

"Yeah me too. I wish you did as well," He teased, as he got up and left the room. "Me and bog have to get going, maybe you can explain all this shit to him later. He deserves to know." He closed the door behind him and I was left alone with my thoughts. Really? I just poured my heart out to him, I told him my truth, all to find out that he won't accept my apology, or even bother to acknowledge the fact that I was sorry. Fuck. What do I do now?

a few people have dmed me suggestions for one shot ideas instead of commenting, but for some reason wattpad messages just don't work for me on my phone. made the account @boggox on instagram so pleaseeee message me your ideas!!! much love <3

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