Chapter thirteen - Something Incredibly Worse

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After some time of being in the kitchen with everyone one, I decided I would go back upstairs to check on Harry. I leaft the boys alone whilst they were speaking and walked up to the spare room he was in. I stood in the doorframe for a while, leaning against it as I stared at his face. His eyes where now red, his cheeks were stained with streaks marks from all of the tears, and his face was now also slightly puffy. It was an upsetting sight to see. I walked over to the bed and tucked him into it, pulling the quilt over his chest. I sat down on the bed, next to him and as I did this, a wave of curiosity wash over me, I pulled the covers back off of him and I traced my fingers over his sleeve, where Simon had grabbed him earlier. I lightly pulled at the bottom of his hoodie though I hadn't moved it yet. "Josh mate, you sure you want to do that?" I turned round to see everyone standing behind me at the door. "I don't actually know," I spoke back to Freezy. "Don't you want to see it?" I questioned. I looked back to the them as they all nodded. I then saw jj slowly walking over to the other side of the bed. "Come on then" he stated as he grabbed the bottom of his blue hoodie, peeling it off of his body carefully, as I copied his actions on the other side of him. Once we removed the item of clothing, we all gasped loudly. Shocked to be seeing what we all saw infront of us, a few tears escaped my eyes.

Yes, it was horrible to see many cuts laced all over his forearms, but the thing that upset us all the most was not just on his arms, yet allover the sides of his hips, but that wasn't it. The cuts ran down his body, so we pulled down his trousers a bit, to see what seemed like hundreds of them all over him, wich obviously turned out to be something incredibly worse. We all seemed to go into a state of shock, but still we edged closer to the bed, though we were in tears, we were also slightly confused. Why would Harry do this to himself? There were not too many cuts on his arms, but seeing all this, it meant he had been doing it for a very long time now.

(Okay so sorry about the little cliff hanger... but I don't really know the way this story could go from here and I kinda need a bit of inspiration.So yeah, comment what you think if you want ☺️✊)

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