Chapter 73 - Through The Sheets

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Harry has been pretty distant from all of us lately, but mainly me. I don't know why. Actually, I might. I think I put too much pressure on him. Not on purpose, or course, it's just when things don't go the way they should, I get impatient. It's a bad trait of mine, I know, but I've always been like it. Though, I don't like not speaking to Harry, it just doesn't feel right. The main reason being because I am still worried about him, but also because I miss him. I wanted to change that, as quickly as possible, I shouldn't have to miss him, we're living in the same house for fucks sake.

"Harry, I need to talk to you," I spoke, as I carelessly waltzed into his room, not bothering to knock beforehand. As soon as my eyes laid upon the sight infront of me, I wanted to be sick. Harry was sat with his head in his hands, and there was a pool of blood beside him, slowly seeping through the sheets. Instantly, panic ran through me, as I made my way over to the crying boy. "Harry oh my god Harry," I spat out, as I saw where the blood had come from. I gently took his arm, and examined it. "Oh my god" Lost for words, I looked at him. Normally, he would be panicking, knowing that I had seen, but not this time. He didn't care. He sat, almost lifeless, as he ignored my words. Finally, he looked back to me, and in all honesty, I wish he hadn't. His face seemed relaxed, scarily calm, whilst his eyes shrieked out in pain, almost begging for help. "ETHAN!" I practically screamed, not looking away from the boy in front of me, still holding his arm carefully. "ETHAN! TOBI!" I shouted loud as possible, waiting for them to get to the bedroom. After what seemed like hours, they finally reached the room, and I watched their faces drop. Ethan stood in shock, whilst Tobi made his was closer. Straight away, he looked towards his wounded arm, and tears came to his eyes. "Harry," he started, though he had no words either. "Shit, that needs stitches." Vikk spoke slowly. I took a double take, not realising that he was also in the room. Now, had Harry only started to panic. "N-no," He persisted, trying to pull his arm away from me, but failing, as he gasped out in pain. I looked to him sympathetically, as his breathing started to intensify. "Harry, you're gonna have to listen to me buddy," Vikk spoke once again, trying to calm the situation. "We need to go to the hospital okay?" Harry shook his head, as we all collectively sighed. "Bog, you're gonna loose to much blood, we need to go to the hospital now." Ethan finally spoke, walking over to stand next to him. "O-or what? I-I die? Cos I-I'm f-f-fine with th-at" he stuttered out between breaths. That hurt, that really fucking hurt to hear. Jj sighed, walking closer, and kneeling in front of the bed which the youngest sat on. "Harry, you are going to the hospital. You can either walk down the stairs and get in the car with us, or we'll drag you there," I looked to him, rather disgusted by his choice in words, though I knew he was only saying what had to be said. "okay?" he spoke again, now sounding more loving and caring, and less like an evil super villain. Harry didn't speak, though let out a small noise, indicating that he was willing to go. I watched him carefully, as the boys got him a hoodie from his wardrobe, and a pair of shoes.  He showed no emotion, and just stared at the wall blankly.

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