Chapter 16 - 164 Calories

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I looked to the plate set down infront of me, the plate that Simon had just slid across the table over to me before he stormed out of the room. I stayed sat still. Out of the corner of my eye is saw Josh staring at me, intently, not wanting him to be concerned I picked up the fork and placed it in my food. Looking down I instantly wanted to vomit. Macaroni Cheese? If he was going to give me anything, of course it would be fucking macaroni cheese. Literally the most fattiest food they probably had in their stupid cupboards. There's 164 calories in 100 grams of it. There was probably about just over that amount on the plate. It made me feel so fucking sick. When did he even make this? Was I so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realise he was putting something in the microwave? Realising that I was just twisting the fork between fingers, I put some of the disgusting stuff on it and lifted it up. I slowly put two or three pieces in my mouth, trying my hardest to not gag whilst I chewed it, and then eventually swallowed it. I couldn't eat anymore, realistically I was absolutely starving but I've had enough anyway. I saw Josh turn his head over to me as I placed the fork back on the plate. "Something wrong with it?" He asked. Fuck. What do I say? "I-It's really hot," I lied "I'm going upstairs but I'll comeback down and e-eat it once it's um, cooled down a bit." I continued. Josh gave me a slightly confused look but then nodded and turned back to his phone. His phones more important than me. Meh, I don't really care anyway.

I kept my head facing towards my phone as Harry walked out the room. After everything that's happened the past few days I've realised that when people look at him, especially when he's doing something, it makes him visibly uncomfortable. Once he left the room I stared unknowingly at his practically untouched plate of pasta. I was concerned about how much Harry had been eating to be honest. I walked over to the pasta, confused as to why it seemed he had been lying. I picked up a piece of it, and ate it. I immediately spat it back into my hand, realising it was not hot, but I fact very cold. Thinking about it, he didn't actually touch it for about ten to fifteen minutes. Something told me that he wouldn't be coming back down to eat it, I was about to pick it up and put it into the bin, but Simon walked back in. "Where's Harry?" He asked, confused. "Wait what are you doing with that? Don't throw it away, he hasn't bloody eaten anything!" Becoming slightly enraged he began to shout his words. "Shhh!" I whispered to him, not wanting Harry to hear anything from upstairs. "I know he hasn't eaten anything. He was just staring at it, twiddling it around with his fork. He hasn't eaten anything in the past three days. It's worrying, but I think he might ha-" I was cut off by Lux. "He might have what?" He butted in, slightly angry. He was standing in the doorway, leaning against it, with Freezy, Ethan and jj beside him. He didn't seem to be in the best mood. "A fucking eating disorder Callum!" Simon snapped, obviously not liking the way he spoke.
"That's fucking it," Lux shouted "Put that in the microwave, I'm gonna get Harry" He spike, still obviously mad. Though, I wasn't too sure why. Yes, it's not the nicest thing to hear, your roommate might have something wrong with them, but he shouldn't be acting like this. I wonder what he was thinking. A few minutes later, he came back downstairs, Harry following closely behind him, leading him to a seat when they walked in the room. As the younger boy nervously took a seat, Lux walked over to the now re-heated pasta as he took it out of the microwave. He walked back from the microwave and over to him. "These fuckers seem to think you have some sort of eating disorder. Eat that fucking pasta so we can go home." He said angrily, sitting down and then casually going onto his phone. I looked over to Harry, he seemed really uncomfortable. His leg was bouncing up and down and his breathing seemed slightly irregular. I felt bad for the poor kid. Lux looked back over to him, so he picked up his fork and stabbed a bit of pasta. He shakily lifted it to his mouth. Something seemed to click inside his head. He dropped the fork down and got quickly got out of his seat. Lux put his phone down and stood, blocking Harry from getting past him to leave the room. He sat him back down in his seat. "Eat it then!" Freezy shouted.

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