Chapter 31 - My Already Packed Bag

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I can't do this anymore, I'm done. The constant pressure josh is putting on me, without even knowing he is doing it, is absolute hell. I can't pretend that everything is okay anymore. I keep seeing Vikk looking at me weirdly. I heard Simon speak to Josh, he said my name. Jj came into my room, he saw me. Josh likes the person I'm pretending to be, not me. It's torture.

I picked my phone up and went to my contacts. I scrolled down to Lux, my thumb hovering over his name. He probably doesn't want to talk to me. I continued to scroll and then stopped at Freezys number. I instantly pressed call, not wanting to talk myself out of it.

"Harry?" He sounded surprised.
"Can you pick me up please?" My voice shook
"Sure, Sidemen house?" He questioned.
"Yep" I bluntly replied.
"Be there in ten" he quickly said, before hanging up.

Setting my phone into my pocket, I put my shoes on and picked up my already packed bag. I sat at the edge of the bed for a few minutes, my mind blank, until I got a text. I didn't even bother to read it, as I knew it was Freezy. I took a breath in and opened the door quietly, not wanting the boys to hear me. They would most likely try to stop me, not because they don't want me to leave, but because they don't like the Cals. I agree with them to be honest, but it's lux that I'm worried most about, with Freezy, it's not as bad, I think. Getting to the bottom of the stairs, I opened the door and saw the car parked. I ran over to it, opened the door and just got in, with Freezy driving straight away.

As the music slowly played in the background, all I could think about was how much I must have had annoyed the boys, whilst staying there. Almost a whole week of them having to pretend to be worried about me, and putting up with all my shit. I caused so much unnecessary drama, they must've been pissed. Whilst looking out of the window, I occasionally saw the reflection of the older man looking at me, then turning back to face the road. He looked confused, I'm not so sure why though. Most likely because I had called him up in the middle of the day with no reasoning or any notice. Could be wrong tho. I mean, when am I ever right?

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