Chapter 43 - Blacked Out

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"... are you really laughing about the fact he said he wants to be fucking dead?" He practically screamed. Only once he had finished his rant did he realise
that I was crying. Did he really just say that? I looked up to see everyone staring at me, and I instantly panicked. I got up from where I was sat and ran upstairs, then went straight to my room, locking the strong wooden door behind me. Instantly, I heard loud knocks from behind it, and my name being shouted by many different voices. My mind went into overload and the next thing I knew I was in the ground, being embraced in a hug by Tobi. I blacked out. I know that because it has happened to me before, but other people had never witnessed it.
"It's okay Harry, don't worry, everything is going to be okay." Tobi caressed sweetly, as he held me. Why was he acting like this. More importantly, what the fuck did I do?

Okay so I'm thinking about changing the title of this book, it's sorta dead give me ideas please? I'm so not creative lmao. Also I think I'm gonna make a new cover which is less boring, but I need a title firstt :))

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