Chapter 83 - Normal

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We had all been sat in the garden for a while, just relaxing for a bit. Though when the sun had disappeared we came back inside and sat on the underused black sofa, and just carried on talking. It felt nice I guess, just friends hanging out, but you could just tell that something was missing, and that something was Harry. Josh was still being unnecessarily rude towards Ethan, and it was starting to really annoy me and the others. "Josh," I started, after managing to muster up enough courage to confront him. "why are you being such a dick towards Ethan?" I spoke, narrowing my eyes, to which he just returned with a shrug. "Don't know what your talking about." He replied bluntly as he picked his phone up. I looked towards Ethan, confused as to what had happened between them, though he just gave me a look which said to leave it. I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the sofa, sighing loudly as I scanned the room. Things really haven't been great recently, and it's getting boring now. Just the same old 'Harry please talk to us' followed by the unsurprising reply of 'no'. I mean, I guess it's better than how it was before? Constant worry and fear, always expecting the worst to happen, and now it's just become normal.

Honestly, I have no idea why Josh is so pissed at me, all I've done for the past month or so is help with the situation, I haven't done anything bad. Is it because the whole smoking situation? No, it can't be. Josh talks to me about that type of thing, has done for years, so why would he suddenly be this mad about it? I just don't understand what I've done. He's being nice to everyone else, so what could I have possibly done? I know Simon's just trying to help, and to figure out what's got him so worked up, but all he will achieve from that is getting him to hate me even more. I'll try and talk to him later, if he lets me, that is.

"Going for a piss" I muttered, as I got up from where I was sat, and walked out of the room.

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