Chapter 52 - As If We Were Children

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"Your not cancelling, you need this!" Tobi spoke, as he picked out an outfit from the wardrobe, as I shuffled deeper into the warm bed. "I don't need anything," I spat back. "It's a stupid idea anyway!" He looked at me with disappointing eyes. I groaned again, as tried to pull the covers away from me. "It's a good idea and you know it Harry." He spoke slowly, but harshly. I reluctantly pushed myself off of the mattress, and stood away from Tobi once taking the clothes from his hands, ushering him out the door, much to his dismay. Unwillingly, i slipped the clothes over my body. Just a simple outfit, black sidemen tracksuit bottoms, and my infamous light blue crest logo hoodie. Tobi had told me that the girls where on their way already, so i just headed downstairs and waited in the kitchen, my least favourite room. "Breakfast before you go?" Josh offered, whilst stood at the stove, with a pan in his hand. I shook my head before looking back down
to my hands, realising that I was in fact, really fucking hungry. I felt eyes on me, and looked up to see Simon and JJ standing in front of me. Their faces displayed calm, neutral expressions, though with me being me, I took it though they were pissed at me. Simon's gaze finally drifted away from me, as he walked over to sit down next to Jj, who had walked away seconds before. Josh walked round the kitchen island, and put a plate loaded with pancakes in each spot, as more of the guys came down the stairs, and into the room. As they sat, they each smiled at the voluptuous, round, pieces of batter that laid before them. Straight away, Vikk and Jj dug into the food, inhaling every forkful with ease. How could they eat something like that? My thoughts were disturbed, as a steaming plate was placed in front of me. I looked up to Josh, who now had his back
faced to me, as he walked over to the sink. I redirected my glance in front of me, to be met with four faces staring directly at me. "Josh I told you I wasn't hungry." I huffed out, with my head hanging down slightly. He opened his mouth to speak, but as he did, the sound of footsteps arose behind me. We all turned to face, as the girls walked in, and straight over to us. Talia immediately went over to Simon, and Freya did the same, but to Josh, obviously. I sighed in relief, as the girls had just saved me from a conversation I really didn't want to have. "Come on, the uber's waiting" Talia squealed, after quickly embracing Tobi in a hug. Simon hastily walked over to his girlfriend, whilst keeping his eyes dead on me. Don't, just don't. I mouthed to him. I already knew what he was going to do, what he was going to say. 'keep an eye on him' or some stupid bullshit like that. Surprisingly, he complied, and instead treated her to a quick kiss on the cheek, before walking back to his seat, still with his worried eyes on me.

The ride to the shopping centre was hard, considering I was contemplating throwing myself out of the car as we sped down the motorway every other minute. The girls must've realised how uncomfortable I felt as they spoke, because they couldn't keep their sorry eyes off of me.

The car ride was a long one, as the 'Sidemen house' was on the outskirts of London, and the shopping centre was in the centre. Is that irony? Or something else? I don't know, but what i do know, is that there was something up with Harry. He wasn't speaking much, only when we asked him questions, and he just seemed uncomfortable, and in pain almost. I've noticed something about him. It's like, if you leave him alone with his thoughts for too long, he
spirals out, and loses touch with reality. It's like
he's antagonising himself, purposely, but at the same time he can't stand it.

We had been on route for about twenty minutes before I saw the look on Harry's face. He looked as if he was in an immense amp of pain. Freya had also seemed to notice, as she pointed to him, when he looked out of the window. He was holding his arm. That part of his arm. Though he wasn't just holding it, he was gripping it tightly, as his nails dug into his skin through his hoodie, I couldn't help but squirm in my seat a little. Can he not go an hour without hurting himself? Obviously I'm not being rude or anything, I was just curious really. Is he really that far in down the rabbit hole? Because if so, shit.
Time passed, as we sat in a somewhat uncomfortable silence, and all I could look at what Harry, and the pain in his eyes, though not just the physical type. After what felt like forever, the car stopped, and we all climbed out of the vehicle after I had payed.

I gave Harry a reassuring smile as we stood out side the massive building, and he returned one back to me. Luckily for him it was a Sunday, which always appeared to be the least busy day around here, and it was also still quite early, so that was just an added bonus. We roamed through many shops, but not finding anything we wanted, or liked. Only at our fifth stop had we found somewhere nice. We all darted off separate ways, though we still stayed remotely close to each other. I walked through the store in search for pretty much anything that caught my eye. "Harry mate," I heard, and i turned around to see Freya behind a rack of jeans near the boy.
"We brought you here for you to get some nice clothes, like the ones you told us about. So, get away from those black hoodies right the fuck now," she giggled. "I'm not letting you go emo on us!" She raised an eyebrow and smirked, before Harry burst into a quiet fit of laughter, as i did the same. I walked over and put my arm around him, directing him over to a more colourful section, with Freya behind us. "There you go" I smiled to him, as
he looked around. Playfully, he shooed me away, as he continued to look at the clothes that surrounded him.

It'd been like half an hour, and we were all still rummaging around the shop as if we were children, picking up clothes as if they were sweets. I occasionally looked over to Harry, to see how he was getting on. He'd picked a light yellow long sleeve top, and a subtle orange one, something blue, which i was assuming to be a hoodie or jumper, a few pairs of black skinny jeans, and some other things I couldn't quite make out. I hadn't really gotten much out of the usual, just some casual stuff and work out clothes. I liked this, the three of us had formed a friendship, and I was absolutely living for it. He seemed happy, and i'd make sure to tell him that.
We had all met up outside the changing rooms, and decided we would all try out our outfits, and show them off to each other. "Talia's going first!" I excitedly screamed, as she ran off to put on her first outfit.

"No way can I top that, it's your go!" Freya said as she poked me in the chest lightly. I shook my head, smiling widely, as she gave in, and walked behind the curtain. After a literal minute, I jumped in my seat, as Freya shouted from where she was.
"Tal, help me get this on!" She giggled, and she did as told, though just after her shaking her head. Once she had left, her phone brightened up, revealing she had a notification. I didn't want to snoop, but after I saw Simon's contact that appeared on her lock screen I read the dialogue underneath it.

Simon :)
keep an eye on him, please x

Just like I fucking thought. I didn't let him say it earlier, before we left, so he said it now, because he thought I wouldn't know. He could be such a dickhead, like, does he not care about what I want?
I considered deleting the message, so she couldn't see it, but decided against it, because that's just low.
The rest of the time we spent out together was a blur, and I couldn't think straight untill we had gotten into the car. No, don't think it's just because I'm over reacting about Simon's text, because it's not. I just couldn't handle it. I hadn't left the house in a long time, and as the day progressed it just got busier, and more hectic, and all I wanted to do was just get home and into bed.

That's were we were right now, in the car. If i'm going to be honest, I really did enjoy it, just not the ending. No way am I ever going to even speak about what happened, because it was just so stupid. Embarrassment was all I felt when that moment played out, no one witnessed it, but that feeling was definitely still there.

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