Chapter ten - Faking It

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"N-nothing's wrong" I simply said before I got up off the bed and rushed out of the room. Just as I passed the door Simon grabbed onto my arm, making me stop and gasp out in pain. They both looked at me confused, I was frozen as tears started to escape my eyes. They had now figured out why I looked as if I was in so much pain. Simon was holding me by the shoulders and he redirected me back to the bed. As soon as he sat me down, Josh neeled down infront of me and I started crying into his chest. Everything was happening so fast and I didn't know what to do. Josh had me wrapped up in a tight hug and Simon was rubbing my back. I heard faint noises that sounded like footsteps, and then I heard Vikk Jj's voices, as they spoke to Simon quietly. They're probably speaking about how pathetic I'm being.

Your right Harry.

Your being so childish right now.

Grow a pair and stop crying.

You are so pathetic it's unreal.

Stop being so over dramatic you little bitch.

I started to cry even heavier, if that was actually possible, and I felt Josh's embrace tighten around me. I felt so bad, that I'm annoying them right now, but at the same time this is all I've wanted for so long now. Someone to finally notice the pain I'm in. I could still hear Simon Vikk and Jj speaking, and there was just one word that I heard, which tipped me over the edge. Faking. They think I'm faking it. Do they really think of me like that? The rate of that I was crying increased dramatically, as I continuously thought about the word I just heard.

Harry thought they believed he was faking it all.

He believed they thought that of him.

But he was not wrong.

The word he heard was true.

As he had been faking it.

He had been faking it all.

Not faking the pain, yet the happiness.

(Woah... little poem moment going on right there lmao. Idk if I should continue this book, so let me know in the comments.
Peace out until then I guess✌🏼)

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