Chapter 74 - Before

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We had finally made it to the car, and Ethan was driving as quickly as possible, with Tobi telling him to slow down almost every ten seconds. Harry held the towel wrapped round his arm tightly, whilst having his eyes closed. I couldn't imagine the amount of pain he was in, and I didn't want to either. I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if I didn't walk into the room, and see him. The idea of that sent shivers down my spine. Though what had more of an impact on my thoughts, was why. Why did he do that? What made him do that? Worriedly, I watched him, as the tears streamed down his pale face.

The silence was rather uncomfortable, but what else would it be? Finally, the awkward atmosphere had come to an end, as Harry had replaced it, with an awkward speech. "Do we really have to do this? I don't want to do this, I really don't w-wanna do this. Can we not just go back home? I-I can clean it up, I've done it before," He spoke as he sobbed, then turned to me, being the only one in the back with him. "Josh I've done it before okay, b-before, I've done it before, I can do it again. I-It's been worse than this before, much worse before, before Josh, before okay! It's been much worse than this! BEFORE!" It was hard to make sense of his words, as he cried his eyes out, in absolute hysterics. I unbuckled my seatbelt, as I took his slightly more healthy arm, and held it in my hand. I moved closer to him, as he launched his head into the crook of my neck, crying a lot more harshly than before. What the fuck am I meant to do in a situation like this?

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