Chapter 38 - Why Me?

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"I don't really understand, like why me?" I questioned, genuinely confused. "If you don't want-"
Simon spoke slowly, I cut him off. "No no no, I'm more than happy to help, I was just wondering," I caressed sweetly, soothing his nervous tone.
"Yes, don't worry, me and freya will be there soon."
I said smiling, before hanging up.

Truth is, I am worried about Harry, but no where near as much as Simon seems to be. But hey, id do anything for him, and his friends. And with that being said, I booked an Uber, and got ready to go.

Arriving at the house, I felt more confident than last time, as I had some sort of idea of what to be expecting. The door opened in front of me, and I was quickly ushered inside the house, and into Simon's room, with Freya still right beside me.

"Okay, don't make it too obvious that your here just because- no, just don't- if he... tell us-" he stuttered out "Simon, don't overthink this" Freya muttered sweetly, calming him down. "I'm just really worried, we are" he admitted, putting his head in his hands. I sat closer and put my arms around him, sighing deeply. "I know" I whispered.

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