Chapter 26 - ...Light.

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Did he just ask for something to eat? Wow, I wasn't expecting that. "What did you just say?" Jj muttered out. I quickly interjected, concerned about Harry. "You heard him" I spat back. He gave an annoyed look and turned back to his phone, still occasionally looking over to Harry. I knew it probably wouldn't be a good idea to directly ask him what he wanted, so I waved him over to the fridge. "Choose what you want," I whispered to the younger boy. He stood awkwardly and looked back to the guys with a worrisome glance. "Their not listening" I softly spoke, luckily easing the tension. His eyes examined the area, looking from each thing to the next. We didn't have much in there, so it didn't take him much time. "I erm, don't really know" he said anxiously, digging his nails into his arm forcefully. I gently grabbed his hand and placed it by his side and put my hand on his back. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea" he spoke, as regret formed in his eyes. I shook my head and looked over to him. "I'll cook up something..." I studied his face and he looked in pain, was having something to eat really this difficult for him? I looked for a word to suit the situation "...light." I smiled to him, he smiled back and then nodded his head slightly.

I watched as Harry walked back to the side of the table he was on before, and sat back down on a stool, he instantly put his head in his hands. Though I was worried, I turned back to the fridge and took out some ingredients. A salad should do, right?

I walked over and placed the food in front of him. "Do you want a drink?" I asked quickly, and he just nodded. I went back to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, rushing it over to him. I felt really awkward, not wanting to just stand or sit there whilst he eats, because I know I won't be able to keep my eyes off him, making sure he was eating. It would just make him uncomfortable. "I'm going up to my room to film" I announced, getting a few nods in response.

Once I got to my room I flopped down on my bed. What do I film? I walked over to my desk and loaded up the most recent game I had loaded up, Minecraft. The series is doing really well at the moment, and I needed to get some more pre-recording done, or the fans wouldn't be to happy. I played for about an hour, then shut the camera off. Even though all I did was sit there, I was completely exhausted. Must be the lack of sleep I have had recently, busy with everything going on with Harry. I once again, flopped onto my bed, and sleep took over my body very quickly.

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