Chapter 68 - I Didn't Feel Right

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The boys came back. Rushed to my room.
Were scared I might've done something 'stupid'. When will they stop all this? I'm tired of it. I want everything to be normal again. I've messed up, big time. Where would I be right now if all this drama never happened? Dead? I mean, it's not like they've helped me or anything, they've just slowed down the process. If none of this happened then yeah, I probably would've killed myself by now. But honestly, who even gives a shit at this point? I don't. Eruptions of laughter came from downstairs every once and a while, as I lied on my bed, freezing cold. I didn't feel right.

We were all sat in the kitchen after being home for an hour or so. I wasn't necessarily tired, but I didn't really have anything to do either. I had gotten fed up with everyone messing around downstairs, and decided to treat myself to a nap. Slowly, I made my way up the massive staircase, and walked past Harry's room. I stood for a moment, debating weather or not l should go in and speak to him. I decided against it, just not being able to function properly. Tiredness suddenly fell over me, as I took another step, edging closer to my room.

Recently, I've been trying to keep my mind focused on other things, beside Harry. As much as I love him, it's just not healthy. I can't be spending every minute of every day thinking about him, or being with him, he needs space, and so do I. Though, one thing is constantly at the back of my mind, and it's simple. I'm scared of what he could do. Weather it'd be to himself, or someone else, I don't know, but it still lingers in my thoughts. We always make plans to help him, or to even just speak to him, but we never put those plans into action. The same thing is going to happen over and over, and nothing will change. Well, there'll be no good changes, I can't really say the same for any bad ones.

wow a lot of pov changes lmao
i'm struggling atm, i have so many awesome ideas for this book but i don't know how to fit them into the story line. school is just stress right now so it's harder to have time to write as much. working on it tho x

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