Chapter 33 - A knife, Or A Gun

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As I opened the door for Harry, he ran straight passed me and to his room. I shouted his name from behind, but he just ignored me. There was no point in trying to bother, so I went to the kitchen and made myself some food. Lux was out with Sarah, luckily, for Harry anyway. He was harsh on him that day, but I knew he just wanted the best for the kid. I was the same. I felt guilty, we could both tell that something was off with Harry, a long time ago, but we just ignored it. It was such a selfish thing to do.

A few hours of sitting on my phone passed, so I made myself a sandwich, and as I couldn't help but wonder why Harry had such a passionate hate for food. He looked at it, as if it were a knife, or a gun. My thoughts were distracted, as I heard the front door unlock. A slightly annoyed Sarah stumbled through the door, as an angered Callux appeared a few seconds after. She walked through to the living room, whilst lux walked to my side. "What was so important, that we had to come home?" He questioned. "Harry's back" I simply replied. I didn't want to cause any type of argument, so I was blunt. He just gave me a confused look, which turned into something else, that I couldn't quite work out. "Okay... well in that case, make more sandwiches." As he smiled, I gave him a disgusted look. "What," he chuckled. "Two for me and Saz, and two for bog."

Despite him knowing about Harry's troubles, he continued to act this way. Though, I did as he said. I walked up the stairs and loudly knocked on Harry's bedroom door. After no answer, I knocked again. "Go away!" He shouted. I heavily sighed, I didn't want to put up with this bull shit. "Why the fuck would you ask to come back here, if your just gonna tell me to fuck off when I talk to you?" I hollered angrily. He continued to stay silent, so I put the plate infront of the door and also chucked down a packet of crisps. "Lunch." I spoke, as I kicked his door, before walking off down to watch tv. Yeah, I know I was rude but I really don't care. He's acting like a peice if shit, so why should I bother?

"Lunch." He spoke angrily. I jumped up as I heard a loud sound come from my door, most definitely a kick. I didn't fucking want any lunch. So i just sat in silence, staring at the wall. Anything was better than opening my door right now. I picked up my phone and was surprised. I had no messages. They haven't realised I'm gone? Wow they must really not care.
Of course they have realised your gone.
Oh fuck. Again? Really?
It's been hours. They know your not there.
Then why haven't they texted or called me?
Your stupid. They don't care that your gone.

Hours had passed and that remained in my mid. They don't care that your gone. They don't care that I'm gone. How lovely? Few of the only people I choose to care about, don't care about me. They feel the opposite. It's a great feeling you know?

Oh for fuck sake, who am I kidding? No one.
It makes me feel like shit. Just a piece of fucking shit. That's all they see me as. Something that just happens to be there sometimes, something people just want to get rid of. Wow, seems like we have a lot in common.

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