Chapter 62 - Nightmare

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Lately I've been feeling so bad, Harry is going through so much, and all I can do about it is give him a fucking hug. What good is that going to do? When I came in earlier, he was writing, like he was supposed to be doing, but I saw something on his face. I can't tell, if it was some type of relief, or an agonising pain. He seemed so into his thoughts, and that was scary, because I know that his mind can be a very scary place. He was alseep next to me right now, as it was quite late. I was sat up against the headboard, and he was layed down with his head next to my chest, with an arm draped over my torso. He seemed peaceful, but then he started to move around, and his face was screwed up. He kept on mumbling, quietly, though I couldn't make out what he was saying. After a few seconds, it had finally occurred to me that he was having a nightmare. He started to move more and each movement was becoming quicker. I didn't know what to do, so I just shook his shoulder lightly, to try and wake him. "Harry, Bog, wake up" I whispered over and over, each time getting a little bit louder. "Harry" I said again, more firmly, and as I did, he finally woke up. A look of discomfort flashed across his pale face, only lasting a second, before he directed his gaze towards myself, as he then pounced onto me, embracing me in a tight hug. "Harry," I spoke in confusion, as I detached his frail weak frame from my large one. I looked in his eyes, as I saw tears forming in the corners of them. "What happened?" I asked caringly, wanting to understand. He looked down in embarrassment, as he got up from the bed. He didn't speak a word as he shook his head and walked out the door. What the fuck?

I had a weird dream, well not really, I had a nightmare. I was so scared, for no reason at all. It's was literally so pathetic. Why do I act like such a baby all the time? I literally cried because I had a dream. Ethan asked me what happened, and I wanted to tell him, but I just didn't want him
to think I was stupid. He probably thinks that anyway. After walking out of the room, I didn't even know where I was gonna go. Some how, I found myself walking to Simon's room. Honestly I don't know what I was thinking but nothing bad could come of it, right?

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