Chapter 23 - Your Not A Girl

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Harry, Talia and Freya where all sat on the sofa in the living room, in complete silence. Though the tranquillity was a comfortable atmosphere for both the girls, Harry felt the opposite. The silence was a very awkward one, uncomfortable to say the least. He fidgeted with his hands and offen changed the way he sat, though he was unaware of his actions, both Talia and Freya found it slightly irritating. "What you thinking about?" Freya asked, turning her head to the unstill boy. He looked up to her, ready to give a simple 'nothing, don't worry' to answer her question. But, by the look in her eyes he could tell that she wasn't here for bullshit. He sighed in defeat, as he looked back down to his hands. "Stuff," he said, slightly scared of what he may end up saying if he speaks to much.  "Harry.." she replied, instantly feeling bad for asking. "I'm exhausted okay? I just don't want to talk about any of it. I'm tired of it all, tired of everything. I'm done with everything, I can't be bothered anymore. " he spoke, closing his eyes. The both of them shot each other a worrisome look. "Everything?" Freya quizzed, "life." he very simply said. He'd given up trying to hide his feelings, and with the girls, he felt as though he could speak to them. He trusted them more than the boys. He had heard them talking about him, they wanted to get him 'help'. Just a bad idea. 'I don't need help anyway, I'm fine' he thought to himself, just like every other time he thought about those conversations he overheard.

After Harry's one word statement, the girls knew it was best to back down, not wanting to upset him by asking him what he meant, or why. Though the thought of it still lingered in their minds. Concerned wasn't even close to the word they needed to describe what they both felt for Harry, in simple terms, they just felt bad for the boy.

An hour later Harry had fell asleep on the sofa, and the girls, obviously not able to carry him to a bed, left the room and went up into the spare one. Deciding they would tidy it up a bit, picking up clothes, folding them and putting dirty ones into a basket. Whilst shaking the covers, something dropped out onto the floor, Harry's phone. Freya picked it up and looked at the lock screen, it was flooded with messages from... both the Cals.

Lux: Harry get your ass back now

Lux: Omfg just come home

Lux: What the fuck is wrong with you

Freezy: Why wouldn't you just eat the macaroni cheese lol it's not that hard. You don't have an eating disorder, your not a girl lmao just get home soon.

Freezy: What the hell is up with you

Freezy: Ignore lux all you want, he's being a dickhead but don't fucking ignore me I was the one being nice to you for god sake.

Lux: Harry come home we can sort it all out

Lux: I'm sorry okay

Lux: fine fucking ignore me you attention seeking little bitch!!

Seeing those messages broke both the girls hearts. Harry was already going through so much, and to know that his own roommates where saying stuff like that, they couldn't seem to imagine what he'd be feeling right now. It doesn't matter if they don't really understand the situation, they still shouldn't act like that towards him, it's vile.

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