Chapter 56 - We All Nodded

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As Tobi, Ethan and the girls stayed with Harry in his bedroom, me and jj sat downstairs with Simon, as vikk searched for a first aid kit. "I knew we had one somewhere!" He tiredly exclaimed, as he picked one out of the cupboard. I took it from him and opened it immediately, searching for whatever I needed to clean Simon's face up with. It had happened a while ago now, and he had already told us what had went down. To be honest, I knew it would have occurred at some point, because he'd been keeping all his emotions inside. I guess it was the only way he thought he could have expressed them. I just hope that he'll now see sense, after realising what he's done to one of his best friends. "Looks like Harry really knows how to throw a punch," Jj giggled, trying to soothe the situation, and succeeding, as we all laughed along with him. "You took it well to be fair." he continued. He was right though, he could've done anything, he could've hit him back, but he let him, and I have a lot of respect for that to be honest. I have no clue what I would have done in that situation.

I pressed an ice pack to Simon's face, causing him to gasp out in pain. "Can I go and speak to him?" he asked curiously, and I could tell he really wanted too. "Not right now." Tobi spoke as he came
rushing down the stairs. We all gave him a look, as to question why he couldn't. "He only just fell asleep, Ethan's with him right now, the girls went to the shop, I don't know if you saw them leave but they'll be back pretty soon." He said, retrieving the information from the back of his mind. "I don't care if he says no, we are getting him help. There's no way in hell i'm letting him, or any of us go through that ever again." The short man protested, emotion lacing his voice. We all nodded, and then sat in silence.

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