Chapter 60 - The Paper Plan

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Me and Josh had finally finished up our meeting with YouTube, and wanted nothing more than to just go home. We ordered an uber, after quickly stepping into Sainsburys and getting a sandwich meal each. The ride back was long, of course, and whilst sat in silence, I started to think about Harry. I hadn't really been involved much, with everything going on, and I felt bad. Harry is supposed to be one of my best friends, and I've been neglecting that, whilst the others had been trying to help him. I didn't want to think of that in the moment, so I distracted myself, by trying to remember what notes I had written whilst in the meeting. Then an idea popped into my head. "Josh, do we have any paper at home?" I asked, excited about my new found idea, hoping I could put it into action. He looked at me strangely, before turning back to his phone "I think so, why?" He questioned, probably wondering why I had asked him such a random question, at such a random time. "I have an idea, a good one" I smiled, happy, knowing it would work. After I had explained it to him, he seemed doubtful, though he believed that it was worth a try, at least.

We had finally arrived home, and I went to head straight to my room, as I needed to record. "Vikk!" Josh shouted from the kitchen, as I reached the top of the stairs. I mentally smacked myself, as I remembered what we were talking about in the car. How did I forget? I sighed as I realised, I now had to walk all the way back down the stairs. "Have we got some then?" I asked, as I walked into the room. He spun around, and held up a stack, in his hand. We smiled at each other knowingly, hoping this would work. Harry was asleep at the moment, Tobi told us as he came down for some food. As his food heated up in the oven, we informed him of our plan, and he seemed on board with it. Well obviously, as there was no reason not to be okay with it, unless you're Harry, at least. We spoke for around another hour, before we saw Harry and Ethan walk down the stairs, straight past us, and over to the fridge.
We all watched in amazement, as Harry picked things out, and Ethan put the items onto the counter. I looked closely, as I saw the food on the side. Tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and some other salad stuff, I guess it was a pretty simple thing to make. Ethan turned round to us and silently told us to go away. We all stared at the sight, as we cleared out of the room, and up the stairs.

I had finally gotten Harry to agree on going downstairs, and having something to eat, somehow 
As we walked into the kitchen, and over to the fridge, I saw everyone stare intently at us. I get it, because at this point, if I saw Harry walking over to the fridge I'd be just as confused as they seem to be right now. I looked to the boy next to me, as he opened the fridge, and started to hand me bits of food. Tomatoes, cucumber, the usual ingredients for salad, we had decided that when we were upstairs. The three boys behind us continued to stare and I didn't really mind so much, but once Harry noticed, he tensed up. As I went to grab a knife to cut the vegetables, I slyly turned round, and ushered them away with my hand. As we stood I realised that bog was starting to get a little uneasy. I panicked slightly, as I didn't know what to do, and I accidentally dropped the tomatoes, which then splattered on the floor. I sighed, whilst giggling, and noticed that Harry was too, and that just put an even bigger smile on my face.

After about an hour, he had finally finished eating, and we went back upstairs to his room. Yes, it was only a small meal, but I could easily see how much he struggled with it. I had a text from Vikk, whilst we were still downstairs. Some sort of plan that would help Harry, so straight away I was in. He called it the 'Paper plan'. Though what else would I expect, it's Vikk, the most cringey person I know. Once we had reached the top of the stairs, the boy next to me froze. I followed his gaze, and realised he was staring at the bathroom, and it looked as if he was about to cry. I put my hand on his shoulder, which broke him. from his trance, he looked to me as I spoke. "Harry, you do not need to do it right now, okay?" He nodded, and we walked to his room. I don't know why he actually listened to me, I had literally no idea what to say, but luckily, I managed to pull it off.

We had waited a while, before we decided it was the right time to go and speak to Harry. He was in his room with Ethan and Tobi, and they were just talking about random shit. I knocked on the door, which was already open, and the three looked up to me and Vikk. "Can we come in?" I asked, directing my question at the boy layed in bed. He nodded as he sat up, looking at us confused. "I had an idea," Vikk spoke as we sat at the end of the bed. "We know a lot of stuff is going on, and we also know that you don't want to talk about it," he nodded whilst Vikk spoke "so, i thought that maybe, you could try writing it down? You don't have to show us, unless you want to obviously. I just think it'd be a good thing to help you express your thoughts and emotions, instead of, you know, beating up Simon"
I looked to the man next to me as he said that, instantly worried how Harry would react. Though luckily he just nodded and flashed an awkward smile. "Wanna do it now?" I questioned, as I held up a thin stack of paper. He shrugged, then followed that with a quick nod of his head. "We'll leave
you to it then" I spoke whilst smiling slightly, happy that he actually agreed to the idea. As we all stood up and got ready to leave I saw Harry grab Ethan's arm, and whisper something. Me being as nosey as I am, I decided to listen. "Can you stay?"
"Umm, okay. Just let me get a drink and I'll come back up yeah?" Their conversation ended and I quickly ran to the stairs, once I heard Ethan's footsteps come closer to the door. "I saw you, you idiot." Ethan giggled, as he playfully smacked the back of my head. "Why did he want you to stay?" I asked, wanting an answer to the question on
my mind. He shook his head whilst speaking
"I don't actually know, but I don't mind it." He said honestly, as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

About to be fifteen and I'm feeling good about it so here's a chapter longer than usual :))))))

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