Chapter 28 - He Smiled Back

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Harry seems to be getting better. He's been eating two meals a day, and hasn't been sick. He's been sleeping a lot more, but he has been a lot more quiet. It's kind of worrying, but then again, when aren't I worried about him? At least he is improving, I guess he was just feeling low for some time, or maybe it was just some sort of phase? I don't know, but I am happy that he's not how he was before. Me, Simon, Vikk and jj were all sat in the kitchen and Harry was in the shower. I stood over the hot stove, cooking pancakes for us all. I looked down to my watch and read the time. 9:24am. I smiled happily as I breathed in the scent of the delecious food below me, the aroma drifting around the room. It felt good to know that everything was going well, for once.

I slid the pancakes onto the plates beside me, whilst humming a pleasant tune. A peaceful song, a homely song, which brought comfort to me. I bounced over to the kitchen island and placed them down, then quickly fetching the Nutella, strawberry's and the sugar. I used to make them for everyone when we were all at the old sidemen house, we have so many happy memories from that place. I jogged over to the bottom of the stairs and called Harry's name, telling him that 'breakfast was served' in a merry voice. I was in such a good mood this morning, things just seemed to be going the way they should be. The way we all really deserved.

Harry came down the stairs, and sat down in a seat. I waltzed over to him and handed him a plate, whilst flashing a smile his way. He smiled back. I liked he fact that he did that.

Harry came down the stairs, and sat down in a seat. I stared at him as Josh handed him a plate, whilst flashing a smile his way. He smiled back. I didn't like the fact he did that.

It was a fake smile. An empty one.

Whoever walked down those stairs was not Harry. Hell, it wasn't even a person. More of a shell. An empty shell. A face drained of life, and a body removed of feeling. Josh was to busy stuck in his own fantasy world, where everything was perfect, to realise the prominent bags under the boys face. The glassed over eyes filled with paranoia he had. And the sleeves pulled down way past his wrists. He had noticed straight away that day, when we filmed, so why wasn't he picking up on it now? It angered me.

Sorry the chapters have been quite short lately, I'll start on some longer ones soon, I just like the climax of each one. You get me? Good :))

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