Chapter 80 - Worked Up

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I hadn't realised, but I had been bombarded with messages from Talia, asking if Harry was okay. They have a really strong friendship, and honestly, I love it. After reading all million of her messages, I wrote out a reply.

is harry okay?

josh told freya and she told me

he is going to be alright yeah?

simon please answer me

why is no one answering their phone?

is he okay?

are you okay?

i get this is really stressful but please text me when you can x

me and frey are really worried

josh called. we are coming round tomorrow. hope you are all okay x

Just as I finished writing out a reply, Ethan came walking down the stairs. "Where have you been?" Josh snarled. I looked to him in confusion, and then back to Ethan. "I was talking to Harry, and then I had a shower." He explained, as we all stared at him in shock. "Harry's awake?" Vikk breathed out in relief, a small smile appearing on his face. "Well, yeah?" he spoke, unaware of the constant state of worry and anxiety he had been living in for the past however many hours of his life. "And you didn't bother to tell us? We've been so worried!" Josh blasted out, in clear anger and annoyance. I looked to him, wondering why he seemed so worked up, while the others rushed up the stairs to see Harry.

"Fuck off!" a very tired Harry screamed, causing me to jump. "Harry, its just me... and Simon." I quietly announced as Simon appeared next to me. "Go away." He croaked out almost silently, as we walked into the dark room. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay Haz. You've been asleep for quite a while." Simon spoke, and we just gained a groan in return, as he shuffled around his bed. "We just want to talk to you Harry." Simon spoke again, walking past the door frame, and into the room. I followed him in, and turned the light on as he spoke. "We just want to talk to you Harry." Simon repeated. "Well I don't want to talk to you so can you please just go away?!" He loudly exclaimed, making us jump once again, yet we stayed. "Fuck off! Just leave me the fuck alone!" He begged, though realistically, he shouldn't be alone. I don't like it when he's like this, angry. It just scares me sometimes I guess. He shouts, and screams. I think it's just all the pent up emotions inside of him, trying to get out.

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