Chapter 29 - The Set Of A Tv Show

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I gripped my fork tighter, trying to suppress my anger. I could barely handle it. "Josh." I spoke his name slowly. He looked over to me and looked confused. "Can I speak to you out there please?" I asked, gesturing to the door with my head. He unknowingly nodded in agreement, and left his seat.

"It's about Harry," I said sternly. His face lit up so much brighter, if that was even possible. He cut me off before I even said a word. "He's been really good these past few days. I know! It's really great Simon!" He excitingly whispered. Little did he know...
"What did you want to say anyway?" His smile was so big, and his eyes were full of hope. How could I possibly do this to him? I didn't want to upset him, I couldn't ruin the mood he was in. I couldn't tell him that Harry is just putting up a wall and painting it with things he wants to see. I couldn't. I just couldn't do that to him. "Yeah, that's what I was going to say" I lied, and smiled. It was hard to do that, I don't understand how Harry does it with such ease.

Josh nodded to me and practically skipped back into the kitchen. I smiled at the sight, but my face relaxed and then stiffened as I turned to Harry. Fake laughs and smiles littered everywhere. It looked like the set of a tv show based on some perfect family...

But of course, in those shows, they're all hiding something people don't want to see.

And just like in those shows, that secret will eventually come out, one way or another.

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