Chapter 45 - We Did Nothing

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The boys told me what happened with Harry, and I felt awful. If I had just kept my mouth closed that wouldn't have happened, I'm such a bad friend. It was the next day now, and we were all sat around the kitchen counter. Harry had his head in his hands, and his hood was up, just as usual. When he came down we could all tell he had been crying, but we did nothing, not because we didn't care, but just because we didn't know what we should do. He wasn't speaking to us, and he wasn't listening to us either. I looked towards Ethan, and it was like he hadn't slept. There were deep bags under his eyes, and he seemed pale, but then again, most of us looked like that now. I sent him a text, not wanting to disturb the silence of the room.

You okay?


He replied almost immediately. It was a blunt answer, but at least it was an answer. I looked over to him again, but he didn't notice.

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