Chapter 65 - Through These Phases

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I feel like me and Harry are good again, finally. It's like we are friends still, of course, but the bond feels a little bit stronger? I don't know. We filmed yesterday, and it was a really good video, in my opinion. Though, Harry seemed odd. He hardly spoke, and he hasn't said a word since. It's like for so so long, he's been trying to shut us out, but we wouldn't let him, and now that we're giving him space, he's trying again, probably because it seems easier to do. Is he just scared, or does he not like us anymore? I hope it's neither to be honest. It's like he keeps going through these phases of not caring at all, and caring way to much.

I am worried though, a few things have been playing on my mind. He's starting to look ill, like severely. His skin is so pale, the bags under his eyes are awful, and well, his weight. Honestly, I thought he stopped doing that, but I guess not. It's disgusting. Like how can he do that to his own body? Does he actually think he looks good being that, what, skinny? It's horrible, and I know it's going to get worse. I mean it's not that bad just yet, but it will be soon, if he doesn't do anything about it. Will the fans start to notice? Will they leave comments about it? Will that make him feel worse about it, or will it motivate him to get better? I don't even know at this point, there's no use in trying to figure out Harry's mind anymore. Complicated and unpredictable.

Sorry it's just a short chapter, but I wanted to say something lmao :))))
Okay my new books out!! It's only a short introduction, but I hope it seems interesting :) Check it out if you want..
'The Art Of Addiction"

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