Chapter five - An Intricate Art

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I quietly walked through the front door and closed it behind me gently. I slowly started to make my way to my room, trying my hardest to sneak past and not to be seen by both of the Cal's, but of course that didn't last long. "Hazza?" Freezy called out I sighed, knowing that I now had to speak to them, I'm really not in the mood for this. I trudded into the front room, to see both of them sat on the sofa watching the tv. "You alright?" Freezy asked, eyes glued to the tv. That fucking question again. How many times is this gonna happen? Lux peeled his eyes away from the tv and once they landed on me his facial expression completely changed.
"Oh my god, Harry are you okay?" He asked keeping his eyes locked onto mine. Freezy turned around and the same expression landed on his face. "Yeah, w-why?"
"Well you don't look it mate, why are you crying?" They both looked quite concerned. Crying? I lifted my hand to my face and wiped under my eye, feeling a wet liquid touch my fingers. Fuck.
"Oh my god," I nervously giggled "i mustn't have realised how cold it was out there, probably made me cry" I continued to laugh. Freezy took that answer and believed it. Lux on the other hand wasn't convinced, considering he was the only sober one out of the two. He continued to stare at me as I stood in the doorway. "What?" I asked him. He simply shook his head and looked back to the tv.

I walked away and went up to my room. As soon as I got in i locked the door and leant against it letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. In the moment, I thought I had pulled of that lie pretty well, but now looking back at it, it didn't really even make that much sense. They don't really care anyway, they were to busy watching tv to care about me, and realise that I was lying straight to their faces. I shook it off, not wanting to think about it anymore and went into the bathroom, taking my clothes off and getting into the shower.

I set it to a high temperature so it burned my skin, I liked it that way. Yes, it does hurt a bit but you get used to it after about a minute or too. Then it came, just like it does every time. A stinging sensation in both my arms, and my thighs. I didn't really mind it, but it still irritated me. After a few minutes of standing there, I sat down and started to cry. I reached out for what I treasured most, a sharp silver blade, I picked it up and just like routine I cut into my skin, letting the crimson red blood ooze out and get carried down the drain with the rest of the water. As I carved lines into my legs I found something truly beautifull within it. It's an intricate art that not many people seem to understand very well. Most people just consider it a way of mutliating your body but I just don't see it that way. I slid the blade across my thigh, letting all my troubles get washed down the drain. And just for a moment, everything seemed okay, I felt truly at ease with the world.
But nothing good lasts forever.
I sat in the shower crying for another thirty minutes before I got out and changed into some clothes, like nothing happened just happened. And to be completely honest, nothing really happened anyway.

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