Chapter 63 - You Never Cry

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I stood in front of Simon's door for a few seconds, before knocking on it gently. I don't know why, but does that even matter? "Come in!" I heard his voice from the other side of the door, and he sounded tired. I slowly pushed down on the handle, allowing myself to walk into the room. As I did, Simon spun round on his chair to face me, and a look surfaced his face. At first, he seemed slightly scared, and I didn't realise why, untill he walked up to me. I saw his face, and pain rushed through my body. He had a large bruise on the side of his face, a gash on his forehead, and a black eye. He was scared, and I was the reason why. I stared at him in shock, hating myself for knowing I caused him harm.
"What happened? Have you been crying?" He spoke tenderly, interrupting the somewhat awkward silence between us. I shook my head, dismissing his questions, wanting to speak my mind. "That doesn't matter, I don't matter. I'm fine, I just-" I paused, as Simon looked into my eyes. "I-I just, I'm sorry," I finally spat out. "I don't know what happened to me, I'm so sorry Simon, I don't want you to hate me for what i did." Pain filled his eyes as I spoke, and he frantically shook his head, before walking closer to me and wrapping his arms around my body. Why is he hugging me? "I don't hate you, Harry. I could never hate you, ever." I pulled away from him, confused. "Why?" I choked out. "I've done so much to you, I've caused you so much pain, how could you not hate me for that?"

"I've done so much to you, I've caused you so much pain, how could you not hate me for that?" Confusion, anger and sadness flushed through his face as he spoke. Does he really believe that I hate him? Again, I shook my head. I didn't know what to say to him, apart from what I had already said. "I know you're not going to believe me, but I don't hate you Harry, none of us do. Me, Josh, Ethan, Tobi and all the others. We love you so much, and you don't know how hard it is for us, knowing that you don't believe it," At this point, I was just saying everything I felt about this whole situation. "You don't see how much it affects us, knowing about all the things you do to yourself. I can't speak for the others, but it tears me apart inside, each time I see you. I can never stop thinking about you, and the things you do." I was rambling on so much, that I didn't realise that the boy in front of me was now crying. I looked into his eyes, as I saw them push tears out so easily. "Your crying." He stated in obvious disbelief, trying to hide the fact that he also was. "You never cry." He spoke again. I guess he was right, I never cry. Not in front of anyone, at least. "That's where your wrong," I spoke, hesitantly. "I cry a lot Harry, you just don't see it." This time, it was his go to initiate the hug, as he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I put my head on top of his hair, as we both quietly weeped.

Just wanted to say, that now I've started school again, updates will probably be a lot less frequent I'm going into year ten, so that's gonna be stressful. Buuuuuut, I've got what I think is good news. I'm starting to write another book, still based on Harry. I think it's gonna he called
'The Art Of Addiction'.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter lmao :))

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