Act One

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Have you ever met a rich family? The kind from the movies. You know with the enormous house and expensive cars and the extended driveway that has a fancy fountain. What about a rich boy? The kind from the big screen with the perfect hair who happens to be the owner and driver of a luxurious sports car, and a smile that makes your heart melt.

Have you ever wondered if they actually have any flaws? Are they really that perfect? The life of a rich teenage boy is something most people envy, but perhaps it's not what it seems. Maybe the boy from the novels isn't perfect. Maybe the boy from the movies only shows what he's supposed to. Maybe his life is just a facade.

The boy from the movies could be Will Lockwood, living the life most people dream about, surrounded by the types of people everyone just simply adores. However, the boy from the big screen may find himself living a not-so-perfect life when something, or someone, changes everything.


The perfect day began like this:

The sun was shining through the arched windows of the enormous house. And the smell of mouth watering food travelled through the long hallways. This was the case mostly everyday, and Will was so thankful every time the delightful smell floated up his nostrils, forcing him to get out of bed. 

But what made this day so different and a little less perfect, was the fact that when Will made it down to the large, modern kitchen to have breakfast like he normally did, next to his oldest brother, Jack, was a boy typing innocently on his phone. 

Quickly, he sucked in a breath. Boy was he gorgeous. What with his fluffy, feathery brown hair; toned arms littered with tattoos and the sexy stubble on his jaw, it was practically impossible not to stare. But he was caught, resulting in a smirk to appear on the mysterious boy's face. He had never seen this boy before, and he was nothing but breathtaking. It was almost tragic, the look on Will's face. He was so stunned, and was not broken from his trance until his brother finally spoke. 

"Morning wanker," Jack greeted him cheekily, seeing his brother's face flush red before the boy glared. You see he felt a little awkward in joggers, a t-shirt and his fluffy socks covering his feet in front of their good looking guest. Ignoring the nickname, he went to the fridge and quietly got out the juice to pour himself a well needed glass. Maybe he would choke on it and die that way, rather than embarrassment. 

"This is Parker," Jack introduced the mystery boy after clearing his throat. Parker. Interesting. Not a common name. Was he from here? Was that his real name? Of course it was his real name. Oddly enough, the name definitely suited him. 

"Um hi." Will sent him a small smile. "I'm gonna go upstairs now," He announced, trying to pretend his brother's friend wasn't completely staring him down. The fluffy socks were a mistake, but at least he would be comfortable when he returned to his room to sulk. 

"You don't want breakfast?" Dylan questioned him curiously. Dylan was his other older brother, the middle child, you could call him. He seemed unaltered by Parker's presence. It clearly didn't bother him that Jack had a friend round for breakfast, and he wondered if Dylan was also Parker's friend. 

"No I'm uh... I'm not hungry," Will lied. There was no way he would be able to eat in front of Parker, he was too tense under his gaze. The piercing blue eyes would most likely burn a hole through his skull, and then the boy would be able to see all of the blasphemous thoughts floating around in his mind. 

"I'll save you some?" Dylan offered. Nodding, he rushed up the stairs and back to his room. 

Where the hell did that boy come from?

Rich boy secret number one: he was a tad gay, and nobody knew about it.

Beginning of Act One

A/N: I haven't published anything on Wattpad in months so this is a little weird for me, but I'm happy to be back. This is my first book that's not a fan fiction so I'm pretty nervous to publish it, however it's been in my drafts for around two years and it's finally going to be published today which is insane. I've grown up a lot since first joining Wattpad and I hope this new book displays that.

I'm really proud of this book and really hope you enjoy reading it. It's the first thing I've put out there where I'm confident and actually have a solid plan. So because of that, I know what's coming so I'm gonna give a few warnings and disclaimers.



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