~Chapter Forty Nine~

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A/N:  Hi all, I update every day now basically so if you missed yesterday's chapter don't forget to read it <3

WARNING: Good luck with this chapter lol. That's all. Enjoy :)

Eighteen. The year you become an adult. The year you become responsible. And how do you become responsible, you may ask? You get so belligerently drunk that you can't stand, and you fall asleep in a pool of your own vomit.

It was Will's eighteenth birthday, and since Violet was too pregnant to throw him a birthday party, he was dealing with very limited options. He stood in his bedroom, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for Jo to pick up the phone.

"Hey, Will. Happy birthday, what's up?" She greeted him cheerily.

"How quickly can you throw together a party?" Will questioned. He just wanted to be drunk. Sighing, he stared out of the large arched window of his bedroom, a cigarette hanging between his parted lips. He deeply inhaled the smoke, blowing it out into the fresh air as he waited for an answer from his friend.

"Very quickly. When are you thinking?" Jo asked. Shuffling could be heard down the line, implying that she was already in the middle of doing something. Selfishly he hoped it wasn't important.

"Tonight, I'm ditching my family dinner. You in?" Will inwardly groaned as he fumbled with the pack of smokes in his hand, pulling out another one as soon he finished the last. His phone sat between his ear and his neck as he struggled to light it, cupping his hands over the flame of the lighter to get it to light. When he finally succeeded, he sighed in relief and brought it to his lips.

She laughed into the phone. "Yeah Will, who are you inviting?"

Will hummed thoughtfully, taking a drag of the smoke before saying, "Anyone. Make sure you invite Xander. I'll sort out my friend Colton. No Parker. Got it?"

"Got it," Jo confidently replied. "I'll see you tonight. I think I know just the place."

"Great. Thanks, Jo," Will sincerely told her.

"No worries. You okay, Will?" She asked, her tone wavering.

"Oh yeah. I'm just fucking peachy," Will breathed out. "Don't worry about it. Thanks again."

"See you," She said, hearing Will mumble a 'bye' before hanging up. Carelessly he threw his phone on the bed, spotting the silk shirt and dress pants he was supposed to be wearing to his family dinner that night. He couldn't bare the thought of sitting with them, talking about the future or the past or the fucking present. It was all too much.

However he had one positive. It had been a week since he last called Parker, and he was now done being sad. Now he was just mad. In a way this was better, because now he had no urge to call his ex. He didn't feel like he needed him to breathe, needed him to survive. He had come to his senses that Parker wasn't the person that fed him oxygen, and he was feeling much better.

When he was sixteen, he was mad at the world. And he could feel himself falling back into old habits, but they helped him. Of course he knew it was typical, boy goes through break up, boy goes insane for a few months, boy gets better again.

But since being sixteen, he had worked so hard to become the person he was. He had regained his innocence, and had managed to do all of that, while also hiding what he had become in New York a few years ago from his family and friends. It was a skill. At first he was acting, and then it became who he really was. Pretending so be innocent became easy in the end, but he was tired of it.

He was Will Lockwood, the innocent, kind, caring little brother who stayed out of trouble. And fuck, it took all of his strength to maintain that. But now who did he have to impress? He was already moving away, and Parker wanted nothing to do with him.

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