~Chapter One~

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Two years later

In Will's opinion, school wasn't so bad. And since it was Friday, he was in weekend mode and therefore not interested in whatever his teacher was talking about. Instead, he was thinking about the party he heard his brother talking about that was going to be held at their house after school. This was because surprise! Their parents weren't in the country. 

Jack's parties were always complete chaos. Generally they were filled with shitty music and drunk teenagers that tried to have sex on their furniture. However, that didn't mean that anybody failed to show up. Will may have been the quiet Lockwood, but he certainly never missed a party. How could he when they were always held at his place? And as much as he hated the messy aftermath, he made sure most people received an invite. Which was why the place was always packed. Kids from other schools turned up, and Jack even had a weed guy.

But there was a slight issue: Will Lockwood and alcohol didn't mix well together, as he was never the most composed person at parties. Despite only being a year older than his brother, Dylan made sure to keep an eye on his little brother because although he hated to admit it, he was protective of the boy. 

As Will scribbled down the answer to a word problem, he felt a slight tap on his shoulder and soon after he was handed a neatly folded piece of paper. After quietly thanking the person who gave him the note, he immediately looked behind him to see Violet Westwood smirking at him from the back of the classroom.

Blushing, he smiled back and looked to see if the teacher was looking before unfolding the paper.

Get ready for the party at my place? Xx

Carefully, he folded the note back up and shoved it in the back pocket of his jeans, before sending her a thumbs up.

Violet was his equally as wealthy next door neighbour who had been his best friend for many years. She and her sister were part of a rather large, prosperous family that liked to invite Will round for dinner almost every week. Though she could be selfish and self-centred, there was something about her that everyone adored. Perhaps it was her beautifully tanned skin and the freckles that dusted her nose. Or maybe it was her deep brown eyes that were enticing, or her long dark locks that framed her face perfectly and fell elegantly down her back, stopping at her tiny waist. Either way she had a certain charm about her that nobody had really been able to quite put a finger on. 

"Have a nice weekend everyone, don't forget your essays are due Monday," Their teacher reminded them as everyone packed up their stuff. Pushing past her classmates forcefully, Violet made her way to Will before wrapping her small arms around his waist.

"Well hello there." Will smiled at her, shoving the last textbook into his bag. Girls stared at the pair in jealousy, and she shot daggers at them which made the boy chuckle. 

"I hear your brother's having another party?" She pulled away from him. Will slung his bag over one of his broad shoulders and the two began walking to Violet's car. Earlier that morning he had been dropped off by his driver, so he sent him a message saying he didn't need to be picked up.

"Yeah he is. Our parents are away so I never doubted for a second he would be throwing a party." Will rolled his eyes, hearing his friend put on her music through the car's speakers. She drove a baby pink Porsche with a personalised number plate and a luxurious cream coloured leather interior. The pink air freshener hanging on her interior mirror made the car smell like strawberries, a sweet scent that Will never got tired of. 

"C'mon, you like those parties. It's the one day of the week you actually let loose," Violet pointed out. A deep frown graced Will's lips, she wasn't wrong. He loved the parties, but sometimes he wished that they weren't so wild. People made irrational decisions and in the end he and his brothers would have to deal with the repercussions. 

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