~Chapter Five~

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Dylan didn't explain himself, much to everyone's dismay. Not even to Jasmine who was distraught when she found out her boyfriend was in the hospital. After the incident with Jasmine and Jack, Dylan was reluctant to stay with her, but he couldn't leave her. He didn't have the heart to break up with her because he loved her too much- and he knew it was partially Jack's fault.

When Dylan did return home, Will didn't speak to him, only made sure he was still alive a few times a day before hiding out in his room again. The house was quiet, and there weren't many people over like usual, only their chef and the maid who minded their own business.

Will's long fingers tapped along to the song that was playing on his record player, a song by a band called Moose Blood. The song was called Cherry. He looked down at his black painted nails and listened to the melancholy melody of the song.

He only put the polish on that day because he noticed Violet left a bottle on his desk. The only other times he'd worn nail polish was when Violet would paint his nails if he stayed over, but he never kept it on, and he'd scrub it off the next morning. He only prayed that the residue went unnoticed when he took it off.

Maybe he shouldn't take it off?

"Will?" The voice startled him. Quickly he turned around and stood up from his desk seat, seeing Dylan.

"Yeah?" He answered quietly, tidying up his worksheets and putting them back in their folder.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Will muttered, looking at the record spin round and round instead of looking his brother in the eye.

"It's not fine. Jack said you found me and you sounded so panicked over the phone. I didn't mean to scare you like that," Dylan argued.

"Yeah, well you did. You got drunk and smashed everything, Dylan. You hurt yourself and you won't tell anyone what happened," Will snapped.

"It doesn't matter what happened. I don't remember half of it," He admitted.

Will sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Reluctantly, his brother sat next to him, and it was silent for a while.

"I'm sorry I fucked up."

"It's fine. You're forgiven," Will gave him a small smile. "It freaked me out, that's all." Dylan nodded in understanding, knowing it must have been a lot for Will to take in all at once, especially since he was alone. The fact that their parents were only home for two days after they returned made Dylan realise that he needed to be there for Will. He knew he was only a year older, but Will wasn't like him or Jack. He was different and was the youngest, so it just felt like he needed protecting. Therefore him getting drunk and hurting himself was the worst idea imaginable.

"Is that nail polish?" Dylan questioned curiously. Quickly, Will hid his hand away and told Dylan to leave because he had too much school work. His brother just dropped it and went, deciding not to push it.

Downstairs Jack and a few of his friends had just come round to hang out, including Parker, so they decided to sit in the main living room.

"You didn't invite Xander?" Parker asked, not seeing him amongst their group of friends. Jack shrugged and shook his head, almost in disgust as if it was the worst thing in the world to invite the boy.

"No, he's gay," Stan scoffed. Parker internally flinched, accepting the beer bottle from Jack. He wasn't planning on drinking much, but by the looks of it, the others were. Usually Parker would join in, but for some reason he didn't feel like it. There was something else he felt like doing. It was like there was a magnet pulling him up the stairs so he could somehow find Will's room. Was that creepy? Was it wrong that he was thinking about the younger Lockwood brother rather than Jack, who was meant to be his best friend?

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