~Chapter Thirty Three~

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Since finding out about the pregnancy, things had been tense. Though Will's parents loved Violet, it was obvious they weren't happy that their son was having a baby that was unplanned and with someone he wasn't in a relationship with. 

However she had been invited round for dinner nonetheless, and the family ate in silence around the table. Will was still upset about what happened at the Christmas party, and the scene he caused when seeing Parker. If that was the kind of thing he did when he just saw Parker, what would his brother do if he found out about Will and Parker's relationship?

"So I quit my job," Jack admitted, breaking the silence. "And I'll come and work for the family business."

Their mother broke out into a smile, "Really?"

Jack nodded, "But I'm doing this for the baby, not for you." He looked at Violet as soon as the baby was mentioned, and she smiled at his warmly. 

"Great," Their father clapped his hands together. "You'll start on Monday." 

There was another awkward silence. 

"I need to tell you all something," Will said, and everybody looked at him. "I know what happened at the Christmas party wasn't good, and it didn't look good for us as a family. But the reason for that is because we're not a family and it hurts that we argue and don't enjoy spending time with each other." 

The incident at the party had Will thinking about how secrets and lies were tearing their family apart. It was as if they didn't know each other, despite living with each other for years. Jack didn't know who Will really was. Nobody in his family did. Which was why he needed to tell them something about himself, that could either make or break their family. However he figured that with the baby coming along, they would feel the need to be more supportive of all of their family's choices. 

Jack looked at him, confused. 

Will sighed. "We need to be honest with each other if we're going to make this work, especially with a new baby on the way and... and I'm gay," He blurted. 

"Oh William, why did you wait so long to tell us?" Their mother asked, as if it wasn't already obvious. The air was tense, and his family stared at him. Violet looked relieved that for once the attention wasn't on her, but everyone else was speechless. 

"Well you're never here and... you're not mad?" He asked, gulping. 

"You thought we'd be mad?" Jack questioned, a hurt look on his face. Hesitantly, Will nodded and looked around the table. Everyone was smiling at him encouragingly, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. However he still had the weight of his hidden relationship to carry. 

Dylan wasn't having dinner with them that day, so he wondered if his family would tell him. 

"We'll always love you, Will," Jack told him. "Remember that."

The reaction was underwhelming. He expected them to be some sort of argument, but he instead was met with support, even from Jack. 

Maybe things were starting to get better after all...


After dinner everyone left the table apart from Will who was sat on his phone. However, Dylan appeared moments later with a concerned expression on his face, with furrowed brows and a deep frown. He wasn't at dinner with the family, so Will was a bit shocked to see him come out of his room.

"That night you left the restaurant for an emergency," Dylan said. "You got into Xander Laman's car. Why?"

Will's heart dropped. "Sorry I- Dylan I have no idea who or what you're talking about." It was obviously a lie and his brother could tell. 

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