~Chapter Nine~

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"Did you tell Matthew I was gay?" Will questioned Violet as they ate lunch. It was the weekend, and Violet was round. Luckily for her Jack was at work so he wasn't home, meaning she didn't have to be so on edge. She still couldn't believe what Will's brother told her; she didn't want to believe it. Jack was nothing but trouble, and if it weren't for Will she wouldn't go anywhere near him again.

"I didn't, why?" Violet responded, giving her friend a confused look.

"He told me one of my friends told him I was gay. I just assumed it was you," Will shrugged nonchalantly. His friend shook her head, knowing it definitely wasn't her. Nevertheless, she was happy for Will even if that made her a little suspicious. Apparently, the date went well and he wanted to go out with him again, so she assumed that he was a nice guy, even if she knew nothing about him.

A part of her hoped that this would encourage Will to come out to his family, as she knew that was something he was struggling with. However, she of all people knew how judgemental Jack could be, and she understood why Will was afraid to tell his brothers. They could be quite scary sometimes.

On the other hand, they cared for Will a lot, and she knew that. It was likely that they would be accepting of their brother, even if they were ignorant pricks sometimes. She had a feeling Jack made homophobic comments to show off to his arsehole friends, including Parker who was possibly the worst of them all. It was amazing the things she found out about the boy while spending time with Jack, the things he'd done while knowing Jack and before knowing Jack. Parker Hayes was a shitty human being.

"What about you then? You haven't been on a date in a while," Will wiggled his eyebrows, nudging her playfully. Violet rolled her eyes, adjusting her position on Will's pillow-covered bed. She was pretty sure Will's excessive need for additional decorative pillows covering his bed came from her own excessive need.

"I'm not interested in having a boyfriend," She bluntly replied.

"Since when? A few months ago all you could talk about was how much you wanted a boyfriend, and now you're not interested?" Will raised an eyebrow, obviously suspicious of her statement.

"I'm not," Violet argued. "It wouldn't be good anyway. I'm constantly going back and forth to America and France and England, so I'd hardly see him." Though she made a valid point, she knew in reality, it was actually invalid. For months she was with someone, and travelling didn't stop her being with him. Although, it was over now. Was that why what happened, happened? Did the constant travelling give Jack an excuse to do what he did?

It shouldn't give him an excuse. There was no excuse for what he did, but she was just as bad as him.

"Oh c'mon, long distance isn't that bad," Will said.

"So you'd do it?" Violet questioned.

"If I loved them enough." Was Will's response. Immediately that reminded her of what Jack said the other day. What he admitted to her. She still didn't know whether to believe it or not, it wouldn't be the first time he'd lied to her, but it was the first time he'd said that. It was the first time he'd admitted he loved Violet.

"Yeah, well I've never loved anyone before, so long distance is a no." But she didn't know if that was true.


"Will you come with me to get tested?" Jack asked, walking into the kitchen while looking down at his phone. Parker trailed behind him with a frustrated look on his face, making Will want to laugh when he saw it. Violet didn't look up from her plate, even when she felt Jack's gaze on her linger for longer than usual.


"Why not? You have plenty of sex you probably need to get tested," Jack told Parker, trying to persuade his friend who was just embarrassed when an unidentifiable look appeared on Will's face.

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