~Chapter Fifty One~

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Will managed to leave the hospital with only a few stitches, grateful that his accident wasn't serious. However Violet had to stay in a few more nights to be monitored, as it was important that the baby was okay. 

He couldn't believe that Parker turned up, and his brothers actually gave them a chance to speak. The small piece of paper that he was given was clutched tightly in his palm, still confused as to why he was given it. It was supposed to be a birthday gift, but he didn't quite understand it's use. 

But he still made sure to keep it safe, not wanting to lose something that obviously meant a lot to Parker. There were so many different thoughts running through his mind, the hurt expression on Parker's face as he was dragged out of the hospital room flashing in his brain.

Nervously, he played with the ring that Parker got him just a few months ago, smiling at the sweet memory. It was right after one of his gigs, and he was so surprised when he received the beautiful piece of jewellery. Despite the pain he felt every time he thought of the boy, he refused to remove it from his finger. 

He felt empty as he sat in his bedroom, thinking about how desperate Parker was in the hospital room, confessing he missed him and loved him. But how was Will supposed to believe a word he said when he had clearly been keeping secrets from him the whole time? Parker declared that he didn't want anything to do with him or his family at all, and he sounded pretty sure of himself when he demanded that Will left. So how could he trust someone that was so quick to turn on him?

He still had so many questions that needed answering, but he feared that with him leaving he would never get what he wanted. 

However before he could dwell even more on the situation, the familiar sound of his ringtone interrupted him, reminding him that he had a life he had to get back to. Letting Parker consume all of his thoughts wasn't healthy, especially when it tugged so forcefully at his heart every time he entered his mind. The boy was a drug, and Will was addicted, but now he was going through withdrawal and it was harder than he ever could have imagined. 

Looking at the caller ID, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when seeing the name on the screen. Memories of sitting with Parker in their flat resurfaced, and he remembered how supportive and kind Xander had been to him. He never expected the boy to reach out after they broke up, but he obviously still cared and Will was so grateful. 

"Um, hi?" Will said into the phone, numerous possibilities about why Xander was calling swimming in his brain. Was he going to ask him about what happened at his party? Because he'd rather not be questioned on what he saw regarding himself and Colton. He still had yet to hear from his school friend, and he was afraid he'd ruined their friendship after what happened on his birthday. 

"Hi, Will," Xander breathed out, clearly just as nervous as the younger boy on the other end of the phone. A wave of tension washed over them, both unsure about where they stood with each other. Were they still friends? 

"Is everything okay?" Will finally asked after a moment of silence. 

"Uh yeah. I was just... Parker told me what happened," Xander admitted. "I was just checking that you were okay..." He trailed off quietly. Feeling his heart warm, Will couldn't help but smile at his words. Sometimes he forgot that there were some good people in the world, and Xander was one of those people. Some may argue that Will was too, but deep down he knew that just wasn't true. 

"I'm fine, really. But thank you for asking, I really appreciate it, you didn't have to check up on me. You don't owe me anything," Will honestly thanked him, scared that he was doing this out of guilt for his roommate's actions. Everything was so confusing, especially now that he knew Parker wanted him back. But in the month that they'd been broken up, Will had already changed so much. He feared that Parker was just a trigger, and as soon as he was set off, Will was immediately brought back to square one. He was at the same place he was a few years ago after his summer in New York City. 

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