~Chapter Forty Six~

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When Will woke up on Parker's couch, without his boyfriend there with him, his heart ached. Memories of the day before came flooding back, and for some reason he felt like maybe he never knew Parker at all. However it didn't make Will love him any less. He couldn't decide what to do until his boyfriend explained himself.

Shakily, he reached for his phone that was on the coffee table to see if he had any messages from the boy. Absolutely nothing from Parker. But there were one million texts from his brothers and Violet. She must have found out about what happened from Jack. Will honestly didn't think he had ever been so mad at one person in his life. In fact, two people. Jack just faced the brunt of it, and he probably had a dark bruise from where he was hit. Though it was fresh in his memory, he still couldn't believe that he punched Jack like that. It all felt so surreal and he didn't want to come to terms with the fact that his brothers knew about his relationship.

When he sat up, he felt stiff from sleeping on the couch all night. He knew that he could have moved to Parker's bed, but it felt wrong. Almost as if he didn't quite belong there anymore. His love for Parker burned deeply in his soul, but the fear and anxiety was too overwhelming for him to overlook all of the warnings from the people around him.

Dylan called him a murderer. At his New Years party Holden was bad mouthing him. It was no wonder people were afraid of him, but now the puzzle was slowly coming together. Who was Arthur? And how did he die? Did Parker kill him?

These were all questions he desperately needed answering, and though they terrified him, all he could really focus on was Parker. He just wanted to see him, to know he was okay. As he'd come to find out, his boyfriend spiralled out of control when bad things were happening in his life. He wasn't good at controlling his emotions, hence him destroying the diner and running away when Jack caught them together. This paired with Elliot's death was a recipe for disaster, and he was afraid there was nothing anyone could do to prevent it.

Just as he heard footsteps walk into the room, he saw Xander who seemed to have just got out of bed. His hair was a mess, a thick black mop on top of his head, and he was shirtless, revealing all of the ink on his olive toned skin.

"Hey," He greeted him groggily, sending Will a sympathetic smile. He wasn't sure whether to immediately bring up yesterday's events, or if he was better off just giving the boy breakfast and more time to process everything. There was still no sign of Parker, after Will went to sleep last night Xander called his flatmate numerous times, only to receive no answer. He was completely MIA.

"Hi," Will replied hoarsely, forcing out a small smile.

"Have you heard anything?" Xander asked, referring to his missing friend.

Will sadly shook his head. "I'm really worried. The last time he was this upset he ended up getting arrested."

A sigh escaped the older boy's lips as he joined Will on the couch, sitting next to him in silence. He didn't know what to say. He could tell that Will was hurting, but he couldn't comfort him when he felt so guilty himself. If someone had just told Will the truth, this whole mess could have been avoided. Will was better off without someone like Parker, who may not be a killer but he wasn't a saint. He had deep rooted issues that went way back, and all of this time they had been crawling back to the surface, looking for a way to creep back out and ruin his life.

Xander should have said something to Will like he threatened to all of those times, and now he was sat with a distraught boy next to him.

"I can make us something to eat," Xander offered, standing up off the couch.

Shrugging, Will stared at his phone screen, resisting the urge to smile at the photo of himself and Parker as his home screen. It was taken on their rooftop date when it was snowing, and they danced to one of their favourite songs. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Xander leave the room and disappear into the kitchen, the sound of the kettle boiling breaking him out of his trance.

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