~Chapter Fifty Eight~

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A few months after Jack Lockwood was born, Dean Lockwood had an affair. It almost tore the family apart, especially since Jack was just a baby and the tabloids were incredibly interested in the billionaire's first baby. But there could have been a second, with Jack's father getting his mistress pregnant. However the problem was solved with money, and she got an abortion to save the family's reputation.

The Lockwoods stayed together, and the affair was forgotten about until eighteen years later.

Two years ago

The day of Arthur's funeral was during the summer, and everyone had hoped the sun would be shining to brighten a dull day. However that wasn't the case. Rain fell heavily to the ground, thick, black clouds blanketing the sky, a cold wind slapping everyone in the face as the casket was lowered into the ground. It was a harsh reality they were all facing.

When Jack and Dylan told their father their friend had died, he insisted on also attending the funeral. He knew Arthur's family, and therefore wanted to pay his respects.

"I'm sorry Park," Jack softly said after the funeral ended. Cautiously, he placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, flinching when the boy forcefully shrugged him off. "I-I promise no one will find out what happened. W-We sorted it, remember?"

Tears streamed down Parker's cheeks, unable to close the floodgates that had opened during the service. From afar Dylan watched him, face stone cold when Jack eventually gave up on the mourning boy. It took a lot of persuasion on his brother's behalf to get Dylan to attend, especially since he couldn't look Parker in the eye.

Other than Arthur's parents, Parker was probably the most heartbroken person there. It was one hell of a sight, seeing the person who was normally the strongest, the most weak and vulnerable. But with him being so exposed and vulnerable, it would make it easier for Dylan to come up with his convincing story. After all he had the money, the family and the status to protect himself. Parker had nothing at all, and Dylan had to use that to his advantage if he wanted to stay innocent in all of this.

"I know you didn't like him, Dylan, but the least you can do is pretend to be a little upset," Dean uttered harshly, elbowing his son in the ribs discreetly. A sea of black umbrellas covered the grass, until they eventually disbanded and only a few were left.

Arthur's parents were wealthy too, his mother worked for Lockwood Industries, whilst his father worked away on the oil rigs. He was an only child, and was often left to his own devices. With a similar upbringing to Jack and Dylan, naturally they became friends. Though he was far more reckless than them, always getting himself and them into trouble.

But what really fucked him up the most was meeting Parker. And Dylan despised him for it. If it were anyone else he wouldn't care, but Arthur was important to him. And he would forever hate Parker for being the cause of his drug addiction.

"Why the fuck are you even here, dad?" Dylan snapped. "You didn't know Arthur."

Jack and Arthur were the same age and friends with each other in school. It was where they met, and where they became good friends. They could both afford to throw big parties, and buy drugs and booze to keep them all entertained. With Dylan only being seventeen, he relied on his older brother to supply him with the goods.

"I can still pay my respects," His father argued, causing Dylan to scowl menacingly.

"You didn't make Will or Mother come," Dylan pointed out.

"They didn't know Arthur," His father snapped back.

"Neither did you!" Dylan yelled angrily, catching some people's attention.

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