~Chapter Three~

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At school, Violet was strangely quiet and when Will asked her about it, she said she was fine and continued to copy notes down from the board. He could tell there was something up, but he supposed French wasn't the best time to bug her about it. She had only just returned from her trip to America the night before, but something had clearly happened while she was away.

A few people said hi to him as he passed by them in the corridor, and when he finally got to his locker he began to put away his books. Inside his locker were pictures of him and Violet pulling stupid faces, and a few of him and his brothers on holiday in Jamaica. There were also a few of him and Ezra, but not as many, and a few lyrics from his favourite bands.

"Hey Will." Someone enthusiastically spoke, and he almost jumped out of his skin, dropping his Chemistry book on the ground. The girl immediately bent down to pick it up, obviously feeling bad for startling him. "Sorry about that," She apologised.

"It's totally fine." He smiled awkwardly. "Can I help you with something?" He had never seen this girl around before, despite her seeming to already know who he was. Then again, most people knew who he was so it shouldn't have been so surprising. It sounded arrogant but it was true.

"Yeah, I'm Jo." She smiled warmly as she introduced herself, her long brown hair falling over her face. Her frame was petite with wide, brown eyes and a pretty smile. For clothing, she wore a black tank top with ripped jeans and black vans to match. A lip ring covered her lip, and a few tattoos were inked onto the skin on her arms. Immediately her tattooed appearance brought his mind to Parker, as he never saw that many people with that much ink, but they were both covered from head to toe.

"I'm having a get together on Friday with some friends, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" She leaned against the locker, looking effortlessly cool and calm. Elegantly, she ran a hand through her flowing hair as she waited for an answer to her proposal.

"Um..." Will sheepishly smiled. "I don't wanna sound rude, but I don't know you. Not that you aren't nice or anything..." He quickly covered it up and Jo laughed, her nose scrunching up in the process. For someone that was adored by the school, he really should have been better at talking to his classmates.

"I know, Will," She continued to laugh. "If you'd let me explain, I was going to tell you I noticed you wearing that band t-shirt, and one of the guys in that band is my close friend. He has a gig at this bar on Friday and he's trying to get people to spread the word that they're playing."

"Oh," He nodded, taking the leaflet she had somehow whipped out for him during their encounter. "Thanks, I'll think about it."

"Don't feel obligated to come or anything," Jo told him, shrugging. "I get that I'd be the only one you knew and we only just met." Will nodded in agreement. "If you do decided to come, it starts at seven."

"Thanks, I might see you then," Will told her.

"Bye," She waved when the bell went. Will looked down at the leaflet. He did like their music, albeit not knowing much about the band members themselves. He didn't even know their names but he knew they were good, and he wouldn't mind seeing the faces who matched the sound.

Deciding he'd give it a go, he folded up the paper and put it in his pocket before going to his lesson.


Throughout the week, Will became gradually more concerned about Violet. She would show up to lessons late and ignore him when he tried to speak to her. It was on Friday that he eventually snapped. He didn't know what he had done wrong, if he had done anything at all, or why he was being treated badly by his best friend. It wasn't as if they had fallen out or even argued at all, so Will was lost.

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