~Chapter Thirty Eight~

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"Well shit Parker you actually came through," Parker's band mate, Wyatt, commented.

"I know it's a bit different..." He trailed off, looking at the others for reassurance. However he got that from Will, who was lovingly staring at him from the other side of the room. Recently Parker had been writing a lot more music for the band, mostly because Will was his new muse. It was a different sound, but everyone seemed to love it.

"You mean not depressing as fuck?" Reeve joked, making the group chuckle. She looked at Parker, then at Will and then back at Parker knowingly.

"Well it's certainly new for us but... it might be good enough for us to get signed," Vince suggested, everyone agreeing.

"I thought you were signed?" Will interrupted, confused.

"We keep getting deals and then getting dropped," Parker explained, putting his guitar down and sitting next to Will on the couch in their small studio. He remembered the last time they were on this couch together and how endearing Will looked while trying to play guitar. He was still in awe at the guitar his boyfriend bought him for Christmas. When he showed his band for the first time they were in shock too, knowing it was Parker's dream to own something like that.

"I know someone in New York, a producer. He has his own label..." Will announced, seeing the bands' faces twist in shock. "Yeah um, Henry Sullivan-"

"What the fuck? You know Henry Sullivan?" Reeve asked, gaping.

"Yeah he's a family friend. I can call him and ask him to listen to a demo or something... I'm not sure how the whole music thing works," Will propositioned, laughing awkwardly.

"Oh my god yes, that would be amazing!" Wyatt exclaimed, overjoyed at the proposal. After that the band decided it was time to end the session, thanking Parker for the brand new set of amazing songs before saying their goodbyes. When the others left, the couple stayed silent while Parker packed up his things.

"Park, is everything okay?" Will asked quietly, noticing he hadn't said a word since his offer.

"Mhmm," Parker hummed, closing his guitar case.

"Is this about New York?" Will questioned with a sigh.

"Yes, fine, yes. It's about fucking New York," Parker admitted, seeing his boyfriend flinch at his snappy tone. "And about Henry Sullivan. He's only twenty five and you're gonna be frolicking around New York with him in the summer."

With furrowed eyebrows and an irritated expression, Will stood up and angrily asked, "You seriously think I'd cheat on you if I moved away? I mention one  person I know in New York and all of a sudden that's what you're concerned about?"

"Yes. That's what I'm worried about," Parker argued back, rubbing his temples in frustration.

"The last time I saw him I was sixteen, Park. I doubt he would try anything, how do you know he's gay hmm? This isn't about him at all, this is about me moving. You don't want me to leave. You don't even want to talk about it," Will pointed out accusingly.

"No... I don't want you to leave. I'm sorry, okay? I just... I..." He couldn't finish, and Will's expression morphed from angry into sympathetic.

"Hey, hey," Will said softly, stopping his boyfriend's movements so he could hold his hands. When he finally had his full attention, he brought his hands to his lips in the hopes that it would soothe him. "I don't want to leave you either... Is everything okay? You've been so quiet recently."

"Yeah," Parker lied, nodding his head and moving his hands from Will's grip to rub his face, a clear sign that he wasn't telling the truth. "Yeah lets uh, lets just go home."

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